Deep Dive Intensives: These Courses Have Firm Start and End Dates with bi-weekly Q&A’s
The Sorcery of Hekate
Deep Training in a Secret System of Hekatean Sorcery
7 Months of Weekly Teachings that alternate between lessons and Q&A recordings.
Registration opens June 2021.
In my first book, Protection and Reversal Magic, I revealed some of the secrets that Hekate, goddess of Sorcery, had revealed to me since our first contact in 2000. That was only a small glimpse into the Arcana that she has been laying out to me over the last 16 years, and which is finally ready to be shared. This seven month course requires a small daily practice commitment and is for people who want to explore one versatile practice very deeply for an extended time rather than jump wildly through new esoteric offerings that the internet provides.
The Black School of St Cyprian
Training in a system of Sorcery that plays between the powers of Heaven and Hell.
5 Months of Weekly Teachings that alternate between lessons and Q&A recordings.
Registration opens July 2021.
Jupiter: The Sorcery of Accomplishment
A course dedicated to harnessing the powers of Jupiter and activating them in your mind and in your world. This class is workable by anyone who wants to place serious focus and effort on achieving their life’s work – whatever that may be.
4 Months of Weekly Teachings that alternate between lessons and Q&A recordings.
Registration opens July 2021
Phurba: Sorcery of the Razor Nail
The magic of Phurba, and the diety Vajrakilaya, in a way that is both deeply rooted in tradition yet accessible to westerners who have a mind toward magic and sorcery.
4 Months of Weekly Teachings that alternate between lessons and Q&A recordings.
Registration opens July 2021
Courses You Can Join At Any Time: These Courses have no Q&A component and begin automatically when you sign up.
Strategic Sorcery
The One Year of Training in Practical Magic
52 Lessons on Practical Magic, one per week delivered straight to your e-mail. Apart from the course this is also the gateway to the Strategic Sorcery community: 1300+ people that have taken the course, post field reports, and workshop ideas together. It also opens the gateway to participation in closed activities like the Strategic Sorcery Global Rites, and gives access to programs only open to course members such as the Arcane Audio Recording series.
If you enjoyed my books and my blog, this is the first step into a larger world.
Level Up! Advancing the Art of Magic
A Four Month Journey that simultaneously explores the fringes of magic while explaining the foundations of how it works.
The name for the course comes from the concept of the various levels of reality A lot of people think in terms of physical vs spiritual. In The Sorcerers Secrets I used a three level system of Physical, Astral, and Empyrian. In this course we get down into more details with a 7 level system:: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Symbol-Space, Informational, Causal and Ultimate.
Take Back Your Mind
Some meditation teachers make it sound like they want you to be dead from the neck down, I want you to be fully alive. Fully transcendent and fully engaged with the world at the same time. The goal of this class is not just to keep your clarity and calm, but to increase your sharpness and edge.