All files below are available for purchase by anyone that has completed the Black School of St Cyprian training program.

The Black Liturgy – The Black School begins from the standpoint of the Christian Magician. This lesson presents a very different aspect to interact with Cyprian, Angels, and demons from, and presents a Black Liturgy that can be performed by anyone in the Black School.

The Staves Of Amazarak – Amazarak is the Grigori who taught Sorcery of mankind. St Cyprian brought me into contact with him, and this class would not exist without him. This lesson focuses on a series of Staves that amplify and control magic itself.

Financial And Success Magic – St Cyprian has been one of the greatest boons to my business. He is well known as a finder of Treasure in Portuguese magic. Success in business and other financial endeavors are the new Treasures we hunt and the principals are surprisingly similar.

Love and Sex – Without Love and Sex magic we would not even know St Cyprian. In this lesson we learn to call upon St Cyprian to harness both demons and left-handed saints like Maria Padhilha in order to seek love for ourselves and others.

Binding and Overthrowing – Every endeavor can be framed in terms of obstacles to be bound and overcome. In this lesson we learn to deepen our understanding of the three nails, and other methods for binding, and overcoming situations and enemies, be they spirit or human.

Cursing and Hexing – There are times for dark deeds. Though I hope you will never need the information in this lesson, it is still necessary to know.

Learning and Intelligence Gathering – Is it actionable? Does it tell you something you didn’t already know? Does it matter? Is it true? A lot of us can get information from spirits and visions. In this lesson we learn Cyprians strategies for getting information that is useful and to accelerate learning through tutelary spirits. A very traditional part of magic that doesn’t work in reality how it looks on paper.


Politics and Mass Magic – Covers the Cross of Caravaaca and Black School thinking on how to influence large groups of people and politics.