
Monthly Archives: December 2023

Is New Years A Good Time for New Starts?

At some point over the last several weeks you have probably seen some variation of a “NEW YEAR/NEW YOU!” type of marketing. “Now Is The Time!”, these adverts and articles say, for you to join the new program that will get you fit, reduce your stress, make you rich, get you laid, unlock your divinity […]

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I was thinking about joining Sorcery of Hekate, BUT….

I was thinking about joining Sorcery of Hekate, BUT…. 1. The timing right now is bad: Then don’t join right now. I have no plans on going anywhere and this course is available at least twice a year. 2. I can’t afford it/it would be a major financial stretch It’s tough out there, and anyone […]

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“The Q&As are what separates this class from other online courses. They are invaluable for not just understanding the material, but how to effectively utilize it. So many times, Jason will expound on a question in a way that I end up picking some information I hadn’t even thought to consider and that’s wonderful…”– Chris Carr […]

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