
Monthly Archives: June 2024

Those Were The Days….

There is a new round of posts on Social Media arguing for/against charging for magic and magical training. Actually, to be honest I have only seen posts FOR it, which is probably a result of blocking, being blocked, and the algorithm generally showing us all what we already think. You know where I stand on […]

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Students Speak About Black School Sorcery

New cycle of The Black School is starting up on July 2nd, so I thought I would ask the current cohort for their thoughts on this Course in Cyprianic Conjuration. Everything below is a comment made within the last seven days: “This course was the push into discomfort that I needed to truly open my […]

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I have a lot going on this summer and folks have been asking me to set dates and make them public. So here goes: WISDOM OF HEKATE What is it? A Three Month Course that Explores The Mystical Side of our Hekatean Arcana. When does it start? June 21st, which is SOON! BLACK SCHOOL SORCERY […]

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The Student wants to gather Graveyard Dirt for a spell. They have heard that there is a proper way to do this and of course, they want to do it right. So they do some research and find that in RootDoctor X recommends first making an offering a shot glass of whiskey in exchange for […]

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Stop Trying To Make Dark Spirits Nice

I keep encountering students that want to work with the Darkest and most Wrathful Spirits they can find, and put them to work on NICE things. A group of spirits that curse a victim with loss? “Hey maybe I can get them to steal my addiction away!” A demon known for wasting a victim slowly […]

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