
Monthly Archives: September 2024


15 years ago I launched the Strategic Sorcery Course – a year long email course in practical magic. It is still available today at the price it was over a decade ago. $150 for the year, which works out to less than 3 bucks a lesson. I am now offering something I have only offered […]

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Days of the Cyprians: Simplicity and Silence

Today marks the first of the nine days leading to the feast of Saint Cyprian of Antioch. If you plan on praying a novena to the Sorcerer Saint, today is the day! Every year at this time students in “The Black School of Saint Cyprian” program ask me for specific instructions for these days, and […]

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The Confraternity of the Sorcerer Saint

Today is the feast day of Cyprian of Carthage, marking the beginning of what has come to be known as the “Days of the Cyprians” – the period between the feast of Saint Cyprian of Carthage and Saint Cyprian of Antioch. Tomorrow people all over the world will begin the 9 days of a novena […]

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