Onward Christian Sorcerers!
It never fails to amaze me when people express shock at the idea of Christian Magic. I mean Christians just don’t do magic right? Except for Curandismo, Italian Catholic Stregheria, Enochian Magic, Hoodoo, and 99% of the classical Grimoires…
Rufus Opus posted up a really excellent piece on what it takes to be a Christian Magician on his blog a couple days ago. This was followed by a piece by Michael Sebastian Lùx at the Digital Enchirideon.
People who vilify Christianity tend to only see the crazed fundamentalist right wing and think of it as Christianity. The point of the two blog posts above is that Chritianity is a very fluid thing and has stood for different things at different times to different people.
Setting aside specifically occult and Gnostic groups for the moment, you have people writing books like Kissing Fish: Christianity for people that don’t like Christianity. Websites like Progressive Christianity. Contemplative Christian practices from people like Richard Rohr and Carl McColeman. Even from mainline denominations you have people like Bishop Sprong from the Episcopalians, and the magnificent Nadia Bolz-Weber from the Lutherans (imagine Thorn Coyle as a Lutheran…) .Very often Christians feel just as victimized by fundamentalists as you do. Just today Sojourners posted this guide for Christians to survive Christian Culture.
And that is just stuff that is considered fairly mainstream! Add to this denominations that are a bit more fringe like the Swedenborgians*, or Gnostic like the Johannites, or Esoteric groups like the Martinists, and you wind up with a very large tent.
If that is too restrictive for you, you have purely independent Christian Sorcerers and Wandering Bishops like me that make the Bryan McLaren look like Mike Huckabee. Tantric Buddhism? No problem! Worshipping Hekate? I can see the connection between Hekate Soteria, Shekina and Sophia! Prayers to the Lucifer? I see him as part of the whole spectrum of practice. Dual observance is the norm in many corners of the Christian fringe. If St Michael can be the Maioral of Quimbanda, I think it is safe to say that calling on Christ alongside of other powers is not exactly new and revolutionary.
So Onward Christian Sorcerer’s! Onward even Pagan and otherwise unaffiliated Sorcerers, Witches, and Magicians that wish to use Christian magic or interface with Christ. Christ did not spend time quizzing people on their beliefs and you should not feel like you have to make a belief checklist in order to do an evocation that calls upon the Trinity, or work with a saint.
There is power there. It was this power that attracted St Cyprian to Christianity and you don’t need to avoid it. Maybe it is because Christ really is unique as a manifestation of the Logos, maybe Abramelin is correct and that it’s because it is the religion of your birth (if that is the case), maybe Jesus was just a kick ass magician and spiritual power, or maybe its just because there are millions upon millions feeding a thought form. The point is that for many people there is something special and potent in invoking Christ in magic. If there isn’t for you, that’s ok too.
Does the Old Testament and the letters of Paul have prohibitions against magic? Yup. But there are also examples of Jews and Christians using magic right along side those. Basically throughout the world you see the magic viewed as religion when it calls upon the powers of that religion. It’s only magic when the other people do it. In other words – it is bullshit. Check out Jesus the Magician and Jesus the Sorcerer for examples of how prevalent Christian magic was.
Just one thing. If you are a Christian Magician, Witch, or Sorcerer and you encounter other magic-oriented people that hate Christianity, don’t get all indignant like they don’t have a right to their views or like you are suffering from their intolerance. Over the years lots of people who DO use Christianity alongside magic have expressed frustration at those who just cannot wrap their mind around it, or feel that Christianity is NSFL and should stay the hell away from magic, witchcraft, paganism, and whatnot. Don’t forget that Christianity, being a religion of millions, has been involved in some seriously dark and evil shit that has screwed up a lot of people. These folks have the right to run as far away from the religion that has hurt them or those they love as they see fit. Keep doing what you do and change minds by setting an example, not by being a dick on the internet.
*BTW, the Cathedral in Bryn Athyn should be a pilgrimage for anyone interested in the interface of magic and architecture. It is definitely one of the strangest places of worship I have ever been in, and I have been to a lot.