The White Mahakala Talismans are done! All that is left is for me to whisper your name and give a final blessing as I tie the string. These will go up for sale on the blog on Wednesday, but as always I make it available to the group first.
This is the talisman that I used back in 2011 to help my wife land her dream job – the one she is still at.
If you listened to the Arcane Audio call last week you already know the deal with White Mahakala, but if not here is some info:
He is a big, bad-ass combo of Wealth Generation, Wrathful Action, and Enchantment all in one:
– Most Tibetan Yidams have a seed syllable in their heart. Its usually blue or red or something like that. WMs is quicksilver. That’s mercury baby.
– He sits on a sun disk that is held up by not one but two Ganeshas that sweat coins. They probably sweat a lot too because they are holding up a sun disk and, White Mahakala has a Yaksha body – full of prana (and possibly saturated fat) .
– Most Tibetan wealth deities hold a mongoose that vomits gems, but White Mahakala is so busy with cooler shit than that, he has his Ganeshas hold them instead.
– He is wrathful, but he is smiling and laughing. he wears skulls and skins, but he also sports jewels and gold. He doesn’t need to be all grim armageddon with his wrath. He kicks ass and has a good time doing it. Its Rishi Wrath. Kingly Wrath
-Why does he need six arms? because he holds a copper blade, a wish granting gem, a drum, a trident, an iron hook of attraction, a noose, and a skull cup filled with jewels. He’s got so much crap to help you he is like the dude in the Old Spice commercials. “look at your god, now look at me…”
But wait, there is more…
Inside of most dieties is another being at the heart. So what kind of being is White Mahakala hiding in his chest? A bright red naked enchantress who dances the dance of eternal attraction that brings all beings under your influence. Thats who.
White Mahakala kicks ass, builds wealth and brings people under your influence. And he does it fast.
Cost is $75. Click the pic below to purchase