Financial Sorcery for Fixing the World

business“Back in 2011 I attended your lecture on Financial Sorcery at the NYC Pagan Pride day and you gave a very impassioned speech about the the declining economy. You made the case that we needed to get serious about money and that doing so would enable us to have a positive impact on the world. I read your book Financial Sorcery recently and you make the same case. While you gave great advice for getting your personal financial life under control, you gave no suggestions at all on how to actually fix the problems you pointed out. Gordon White is also pointing out problems but offering no solutions beyond personal survival. I don’t want to be just another capitalist contributing to a corrupt system. How do we FIX THIS SHIT? “

You know what? You’re right, I pointed out lots of ills of the financial crisis and the world at large but did not offer much to fix things on a large scale. My advice was mostly about how to personally survive and thrive in the modern fiscal world. I can’t speak for Gordon, but I think its fair to say that while he takes a dimmer view of things than I do, his advice is also about personal survival and thriving. So here are some thoughts on what you can do to fix the world.

Thrive on your own terms.

The primary focus on personal financial wellness is not something that should be overlooked. In a world that seems almost designed to oppress you – surviving and thriving for yourself and your family is a revolutionary act. Doing so in a way that you are true to yourself and your values even more so.

Make enough to be generous.

Those with money to give can give it generously and make a large difference in the world. When I was in my early 20’s a friend gave me Og Mandino’s “Greatest Salesman in the World”, where the main character is advised to give 50% of his income away to care for others. You can see a few high-profile Billionaires doing this over the last few years. Bottom line is whether its the ability to help out family and friends or the ability to start a foundation, or directly intervene in the lives of thousands – money helps.

Start a business.

If you stop looking at business as a force of inherent evil, and simply as a force at play in the world, you can see that businesses spark widespread changes in society. The great thing about owning a business is that you essentially get to rule your own kingdom – it is you who decide how to source things, what community to service, what you are selling, how your employees are compensated, how to market yourself…. I can’t find the link to the interview now, but I was recently listening to someone who was a Peace Corps Volunteer that decided to go back to school for an MBA because he realized he could make greater positive change in the world as a Business person than as a volunteer. He started a company that makes Solar lights and products that can be used in places without a stable power grid.

Spread the word

Chances are you know someone who is a Pagan, a Magician, or something that does not have their it-shay together when it comes to their financial lives. Without judging, without being a dick, spread the word. If you don’t want to tell them to buy financial sorcery go ahead and loan your copy out or just help them attach their magic to something concrete so that they can get it together. Kill the stereotype of the “poor pagan” and “cashless conjuror”.

Get involved in politics.

Use magic to get yourself into a race for office. Get elected at any level: town, state, federal, and hold your damn ground. If you liked Bernie Sanders, take his advice and get elected so that you can start to set policy or put pressure on those that do. If politics are not your thing then organize and lobby for solutions – there are enough people pointing out the problems, but no where near enough who have actionable solutions. If your solution starts with “if we could all just…” its not a solution, its a hope. Turn the hope into a solution or find the people that can. Use magic to support them.

Sorcery is an edge – a powerful influence on probability and minds. It’s not going to make everyone wake up tomorrow and be altruistic, but it can give the edge in a fight.

“If you wanna change the world shut your mouth and start this minute.”
– David Lowery “Cracker”


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Using the techniques in your book and from your classes, along with some of my own innovations, I’ve successfully started and grown a business which employs dozens, a non-profit which gets other people help starting their own business, and been asked to join my workforce development board which directs state and federal funds to alleviate unemployment in my area. As part of a recent working I’ve recently been asked to join and run part of an organization which directs $100M in assets as an investment fund for the region. Its not changing the world, but with your information as a foundation, Im definitely changing a large part of my area and I can happily report seeing follow on effects in others since I started. Cant thank you enough and cant agree more that its all about how you choose to apply the work.

jonquil alexia

When deciding on political office as a force of change, remember that elected to school boards can be a viable option.

Jordan Wong

“Everybody wants to save the world. Nobody wants to help Mom do the dishes.”


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