Money and Magi

coveraaaOver the weekend, Aaron Leitch posted the following nugget for folks to digest:

“Telling a magician they are “fake” because they don’t have money is like telling a doctor they are “fake” because they caught a cold. In other words, you absolutely don’t get how either magick OR money works.” – Aaron Leitch

I felt like as the author of Financial Sorcery and courses that have finances as one of their focuses I needed to comment on this.

First, Aaron is absolutely right. Money is not an indicator of magical success because not all magicians are concerned with money as goal. Any magician should be judged by the metric they set for themselves, be it wisdom, influence, wild experimentation, or whatever. Success is just that: Success at your goals. There are those whose main goals are about existing outside capitalism, or any type of monetary structure at all. I know some people who have been successful at this. Happiness comes from many places, and it is happiness, self-possession, and wisdom that I judge magicians on not their bank accounts.


If you are going to be pimping financial success as part of the results of your magic program – then yeah, you need to have that, and its fair to judge someone on that. Not riches mind you, thats a whole other ball of wax that entails money being a central focus of your life, I just mean stability. Not being broke. I see some spiritual advisors and magicians out there trying to sell programs that promise all kinds of money success, but they themselves don’t have a pot to piss in.

Also, its entirely likely that even successful magicians will run into a bump in the road now and then. Magic does not prevent all problems – it does however give you the tools to sort them out. As for me, I am not rich, but I do alright. I am make a great living doing what I love, and even more importantly, I have students tell me I have helped them do the same. Things are good now, but may not always be – such is life and anyone who tells you different is deluding themselves as well as you.

Also, while we’re at it….

While I hate to see money or riches being used as the metric for how successful a magician is, I hate even more to see lack of money used as a badge of honor. Some people equate being a Pagan or being a Magician with a distinct anti-materialism that can be romantic in your 20’s and 30’s, gets to be a drag in your 40’s and 50’s, and tends to be a real big problem for those in their 60’s and older. Just as money should not be the marker of a successful magician, poverty should not be either.

My own opinion is that a magician should handle their shit. I know great magicians that work for themselves and others who work straight jobs. I know great magicians who make well into 7 and 8 figures, and others who are content just to get by. None of that matters, but if a magician regularly finds themselves in  situations that are untenable, uncomfortable, and unsustainable financially, my advice to them is the same as advice for non-magicians: use your skills and better your lot. If your skills are not up to the task, get new ones.

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I agree, but I’ll posit that many don’t really understand what “money” is, so the question of “if you’re a powerful magician then why aren’t you rich” is one that’s hard to answer, because “rich” is an entirely subjective thing. The person asking that question doesn’t know what they’re asking, and most of the time the person answering doesn’t either, as they assume “rich” is defined as Kardashian, Romney, Trump, or Clinton Global Initiative levels of wealth.

On Saturday my wife and I hopped into our plane and flew 2 states away so she could shop at a high-end women’s-wear factory sale where everything was on sale for $10, had a meal with friends, and flew home. We own that plane outright, we paid cash for our cars, we paid off our mortgage early, and we’ve worked things out so that every weekend is a 4-day weekend if we want it to be.

Are we rich? Not on paper, though we’re doing pretty well.

What we’ve done is focus on building the life that we want to live. My wife spends her days helping people in a way that she loves and is hugely important in our area. I work from home in a way that lets me devote hours per day into spiritual pursuits and service of one form or another. We’re happy, and this is the life that we chose.

If we had Kardashian money I’d buy a more expensive plane, and my watch collection would be bigger, but our lives couldn’t get a whole lot better.

I think a more rational way of looking at money is thinking about your financial resources as a battery – the more you save, the more energy is stored in the battery, and the more potential work you can perform based on that energy if you choose to do so. The less you spend on your lifestyle, the less you’ll draw from your battery, and the less you’ll need to recharge it just to stay even.

But money, like a charge in a battery, is useless until it actually performs work. And that makes it a stupid metric to use to judge someone. You can live in a place like Belize or India and live a lifestyle with full-time servants for $40,000 per year, or you can live in Manhattan and barely maintain a “typical middle-class lifestyle” while earning 7 figures. Which of those two alternatives represents “rich?”

At the end of the day the question is “are you living your life the way you want to live it?” If so, you’re rich, regardless of the numbers on a balance sheet.

I would hope that people who qualify as successful magicians would intuitively understand this.

Frater Adservio

Jason, I like your assertion that a magician should “handle their shit.” I think that’s a great way to say it; as a magician, you should be working to decide exactly what kind of life you want to live and making it happen. Whatever you decide you want in your life, you need to handle it.

I don’t want to be rich; having lots of money doesn’t have a lot of value to me. What I want is material comfort and security that allows me to lead the lifestyle I enjoy while being financially responsible and building wealth for later in life. I want my bills paid, food in my cabinets, my car in good working order, a comfortable and nice place to live, money saved for retirement and unforeseen needs, and the ability to have ample free time for my hobbies, passions, and loved ones.

I’m very grateful that I can say that I have all that. Magick has helped me accomplish some of it, a lot of it is due to good planning and self-discipline when it comes to setting and meeting goals, and some is old-fashioned luck.

When I look at others in my same peer group, I start to see just how good I have it. I can afford to live by myself, handle all my expenses, put money aside, and have enough left over to enjoy myself in my leisure time. My peers mostly work long hours at jobs they hate in order to make less money than they need to pay their bills. They end up deeper in debt every month, start and fail attempts to go to school and improve their lot, and generally don’t seem to get any traction in life or have their shit handled. At all. A lot of them have drinking issues, or relationship issues, or both.

That’s not the life I want for myself. With the help of magick, I have been able to build a better one. As a magician, I am dedicated to handling my own shit and making my life something decent. It seems to be working out so far.


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