Arcane Audio

Arcane Audio’s are one-off classes on special topics.

Some are fringe topics that are outside of the norm of what I teach. Others are deep dives into a planet or spiritual power. Still others are strategic classes meant to help you hone your magic. The first few are Audio only, thus the name, but the rest are on video mp4’s.

Classes typically run between 2 to 3 hours including the lesson and Q&A. Bundles include PDF’s of texts when appropriate.


Take your pick and enjoy!

AA33: The Magic of Mary

Probably the least Arcane of all the Arcane Audios but one from the heart. No super secret practices or anything. Just a Sorcerer’s introduction to the many titles and forms of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and stories of how her influence played out in my life.

AA32: Pacts With Spirits

Requested by my students this extra long four hour class covers making pacts with spirits and all the concerns and considerations that go into it.

AA31: Witchcraft of the House of Helios

Helios is the most called upon god in the Greek Magical Papyrii. He is the father of the four Witch Sovereigns and the grandfather of Medea. This Arcane Audio presents a set of practices and seals that call upon him and his children.

AA30: Talismans

Talismans capture power and hold it in place. It may be a spirit, a moment in time, the influence of a God, or a gift of nature. The talisman holds that power and bestows it upon the person of place that keeps it.

I will be giving detailed instructions on how I made several of the Talismans that I used to sell, including Jupiter Glyph Wallet talismans, and my Black Gator Hand talismans.

AA29: Sorcery of the Psalms

Some believe that they need to be pure in order to be heard by the divine, leaving all shameful thoughts, attachments, and emotions at the door of the temple. This is true of some kind of religious observance, but not the of the Psalms. The Psalms  make no attempt to silence or sanctify our desires. The Psalms openly embrace the attainment of wealth, the desire for revenge, outrage at the state of the world, and even anger against God.

The Psalms are a testament to the unbreakable bridge between heaven and earth, spirit and matter, and how the highest powers can be called upon for the lowest needs. This is the reason that all over the world, in varied traditions, the Psalms have played a key role in Sorcery and Witchcraft.

In this zoom class Jason will teach on how he has used the Psalms in magic throughout his life and instruct students in several spells both traditional and newly devised.


The simplest Sorceries often wind up having more depth and complexity than most people realize. A three chord song played by a master musician comes out very differently than the same song played by a novice.

There is more to a successful petition beyond simply asking for what you want. It is an art unto itself. Come explore these depths with me and become a maestro of this foundational magical method.

NOTE: At the end of this talk I suggest that there will be a follow up Q&A. This was said by mistake. The class itself is about three hours long.

AA27: The Mechanics of Magic: How It All Works, and How to Work It Better

I desperately want to change the way we all talk and think about magic. Over my 35 years in magic I have developed a fairly mechanical view of how spirits, energy, mind, and physical actions work together to create effective magic. None of it is tidy or complete and I do not expect it to be. That said, it has helped me become a more effective Sorcerer. I hope that sharing it will make you more effective at magic as well.

NOTE: Because the Video accidentally captured the “grid view” of the class, I have decided to not include the video in the purchse. There are no charts or powerpoint slides, so you are missing nothing. 

AA26: Exorcism: The Sorcerer’s Flail

Not all spirits you will encounter are ones that you sought out. Not all spirits you seek out will be as friendly as you thought. Not all spirits will go away when you tell them to: EXORCISM IS WHAT YOU DO WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.  

The chapter on Exorcism in Protection and Reversal Magic does not actually contain a ritual for exorcism. It is there basically to say “this is the next level of escalation, but you should not attempt this from a book”.  Why the reluctance? Because even more than cursing, it’s dangerous and easily abused. Yet, it’s a foundational practice for a lot of magic, and a last resort when things push back against us.

AA25: Subtle Keys of Sorcery

It is the magic that you do right in front of people without them knowing. It is the magic that amplifies and catalysts your sorcery. If your vision of a Witch or Magician is of someone who has powers, not just knows spells – this is the class you might have been waiting for.
This will be a very different sort of Arcane Audio. Almost all the techniques I teach will be able to be tried WHILE ON THE CALL. I will explain them, we will do them together.

AA 24: The Secrets of Saturn

Most astrologers consider it a Malific presence, the anti-Jupiter, weighing you down in its leaden bindings. I am here to tell you it is not. It is simply a facet of life and reality. If you Avoid it, you only give it more power to do harm. Those that know how to use Saturn learn the cosmic secrets of the highest platerary sphere, as well as the more intimate secrets of discipline, and reduction.


AA 23: The 10 Laws of Financial Transformation

If you were hoping to get “The Greatest Sure Fire Success Spell that will Set You Up For Life!” You will be disappointed. I don’t want to waste your time with things you are not interested in.
If you were hoping to dive into the transformation of thinking, strategy, and tactics necessary to make a meaningful change using a combination of magical and mundane methods – you have come to the right place.


AA 22: The Sorcerer’s Guide to Good Fortune

The biggest most successful Arcane Audio yet! Over 5 books and 7 courses, I have taught people how to do a lot of things with magic. Spells to find love, rituals to fix finances, sorcery for long term strategies, spirits for…. well, pretty much anything. For everything that you want to accomplish in life, there is a way that magic can help you do it. This is all good stuff and I am proud of it, but behind all this doing a state of being starts to get established– a condition that is best described as “Good Fortune”.

AA 21: Lovecraft and the Old Ones

“Azathoth does not accept sacrifices. He does not bestow gifts. A priest of Azathoth is an explorer. A miner. Those who flock to the mindless one do so to gain insights, notions on how best to manipulate the universe”.
– C. J. Henderson.

A class about what reality might be lurking behind the fiction of HP Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos.

AA20: Zero Point Magic

Zero Point Magic came out of a 90 day experiment I did back in 2007, where I laid aside all the traditional knowledge, tools, and rites I had learned and sought out the secrets of magic using nothing but reality itself as a guide. I acted as if I was the first person to discover magic – The Zero Point from which everything from would flow. Learn how to do this for yourself and how it will forever effect the way you view magic from that point on.

AA 19: Kurukulla-  Influence, Magnetism, Subjugating and Binding.

20 Years ago I took the Tantric initiation of Kurukulla. Since then this goddess of Red Witchcraft has been a constant companion and my number one spirit that I have turned to countless times. I have shared her practices with private clients that have turned to her for influencing people and events big and small: from the policeman that just pulled you over for speeding, to the large company that you want to bend to your will.

AA 18: The Devil’s Sorcery

The devil has played a role in my spirituality from the very beginning.  Though I am no Satanist, he appeared again and again in different forms throughout my life as a hand that occasionally reaches into my life, points a certain direction, and whispers “this way to freedom”. In this Arcane Audio I will teach my practice for establishing contact and contract with Satan/Lucifer/The Devil., a topic I have shied away from in the past. I will detail the Devil as he has revealed himself to me, a vision that is currently not represented by any branch of Satanism or Luciferianism that I know of.

AA 17: All Local Sorcery is Local

In this Arcane Audio I will do my best to make sure that students have the tools to know and converse with the spirits of their area, and can take full advantage of the landscape, plants, and history of wherever they live.

AA 16: Tibetan Magic: Jailbroken Tantra and Strategic Sorcery

An introduction to Tibetan Tantric practice with an eye to Sorcery. Contains an explanation of the mechanics of Tantric Magic, heart advice for Sorcerers approaching Tibetan Buddhism, and  SIX practice Transmissions.

AA 15: The SpellBook of BOOM!  

This 3 hour long video covers about 30 different unique spells and how to perform them. Q&A is given after each spell. Spells include: The Spell of Kneeling Cyprian, The Electric Candle, Kurukullas Social media Spell, Dandelions for the Dead, The Harpies Hex, and much more.

AA 14: Trafficking With Spirits   – 2 PARTS

Special 2 Night Class resulting in 6 hours of Video! We dive deep into specific tactics and I reveal some of the secrets that I use to summon, communicate, and negotiate with the unseen. I will teach a technique of spirit work that has three roots: Christian Exorcism, Tantric Ganachakra Offerings, and the cultivation of Second Sight, so that you can see what exactly is going on.

You will learn: the six categories of spirit manifestation and the tactics appropriate to each, how Exorcism is NOT the opposite of Evocation, how Spells and Curses can be integrated into offering rituals, why Evocation is not always your best option, and much more.

AA 13: Walking the Planetary Gates

The seven planets are an integral part of magic in both the east and the west. How we work with them is almost infinitely variable. They can be seen as rays, as gods, as spheres, and…. as gates. In this class I will be revealing what I learned by going through this process multiple times in multiple ways. In particular I will be focusing on how to take full advantage of the alchemical changes that occur between the planets in a specific order, and in each direction. This pacing and order is even more important than the specific powers we work with.

AA 12: Tulpas & Strategic Servitors

ITS ALIVE!!!! Unlock your inner Dr Frankenstein with this class on Servitors. Artificial Spirits, Servitors, Designer Entities: the idea that a Sorcerer can create an astral form and give it a life to perform magic has become one of the most controversial aspects of magic. Even though I obviously make use of spirits, I still use servitors for some tasks. In this class I will cut through the controversy to the tech and reveal my own system for making servitors, based on Tibetan Mahayoga Kye-Rim practices.

AA 11: Read Like A Fortune Teller, Not a Vague Esoteric Twaddle Pusher.

This VIDEO class is about how to read Tarot like the cartomantic system it is. How to see plain and specific patterns in the dance from one card to the next. I will show why I switched to the Older Tarots and how the real mysteries of the Tarot get obscured when weighed down with arcane symbols, runes, and cat people. If you want to get solid and detailed information from Tarot, this class will give you the tools to do that.

AA10: 21 Keys of Spellcraft

There are tons of spells out there, but It took me a long time to realize how to get them to work well. I don’t mean just getting a result – I mean getting a result that MATTERS. A result that will impact your life or the lives of those you work for. If you have ever cast a spell that didn’t work, this may be the course that can help you figure out why. If you regularly cast spells that work, but still seem to wind up in the same circumstances, this class will DEFINITELY help you with that.

AA9: Christian Magic

Saints, Angels, Demons, The Devil. I will lay out why Christianity is important in magic, and how I use it in magical and contemplative practice, two streams of Christian thought that are rarely approached side by side.

AA 8: Sorcery of the Elements:

Air, Water, Fire, Earth, these four elements with a fifth underlying element that variously can be thought of as space, spirit, or consciousness make up the basis of reality. For the Strategic Sorcerer these are not simply a matter of sub-lunar spirits that are less than the planets, but of an underpinning reality at all levels of magic.

AA 7: Martial Mastery

Mars is of course the planet of war, and in a life filled with “first-world problems” and relative safety and security it might seem that the Red Rays of Martial Magic have little offer us outside of rare and extreme situations. This would be incorrect. Almost any problem can be thought of as a martial one. One only has to look at common expressions: we FIGHT illness; we COMPETE in the marketplace, we BATTLE addictions, and we WIN the heart of our true-love. This Audio explored the applications of Martial Magic in our lives.

AA 6: Solar Sorcery

The Sun is the central axis of the planetary scheme. It is the light giver to all the other planets both physically and mystically, yet is often underused in practical magic. When people want love they go to Venus, when they want wealth they go to Jupiter, when they want to defeat enemies they go to Mars, and so on. But the Sun, used in conjunction or alone, can affect all these areas of magic and more.

AA5: Sorcery of Saturn

Saturn: The Big Bad Ass of the planetary powers. Some magicians fear Saturn so much that they leave it out of their work all together, but the truth is that Saturn is necessary and good – you just need to know how to handle it.

AA4: Healing Sorcery

Nutrition, exercise, and medical care are the primary pillars of good health, but as Sorcerers we have other methods of boosting health at our disposal. The judicious use of these methods can speed along or heal a disease, lend strength and lessen the symptoms of ongoing conditions, and help keep the temple of the body a worthy place for performing magic. – Includes Transmission of White Tara

AA3: Mercury, Movement, and Mediating

A student on the Strategic Sorcery group recently noted that “The better you can handle the flow of the money or the resources, the more will be bestowed upon you.” This is true not just for money, but for all kinds of magic – including illumination. Thinking in terms of motion is the key to advanced magic.  – Includes a transmission of White Mahakala

AA2: Advanced Financial Sorcery

Money should not be the central consuming force in your life, but just like other needs, we can only be relaxed about it if we have it in good supply. I wrote Financial Sorcery to give Sorcerers the tools they need to master money and establish a firm fiscal foundation, but two years later I find that I have a lot more to say on the matter. Includes Transmission of Yellow Dzambhala

AA1: Influence and Binding

Admit it, you have always wanted to do the Jedi Mind Trick right? Well after this class… you still won’t be able to control people’s minds.You will however have a much better understanding of how to wield influence. The truth is that you are already influencing people, everyone you come into contact with. The trick for the Sorcerer is to do it well, and in a way that furthers your goals. A Sorcerer that cannot influence the minds of other people is hardly a Sorcerer at all. – Includes Kurukulla Transmission