The Confraternity of the Sorcerer Saint

Today is the feast day of Cyprian of Carthage, marking the beginning of what has come to be known as the “Days of the Cyprians” – the period between the feast of Saint Cyprian of Carthage and Saint Cyprian of Antioch. Tomorrow people all over the world will begin the 9 days of a novena […]

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Deconstructing Your Own Visions

A couple weeks ago I posted a random vision I had when waking up. It was Jesus seated with Mary Magdalene standing on one side and Mary of Bethany on the other. The arrangement was very similar to how Padmasambhava sits with Yeshe Tsogyal and Mandarava on each side of him. Anyway, I posted it […]

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Those Were The Days….

There is a new round of posts on Social Media arguing for/against charging for magic and magical training. Actually, to be honest I have only seen posts FOR it, which is probably a result of blocking, being blocked, and the algorithm generally showing us all what we already think. You know where I stand on […]

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Students Speak About Black School Sorcery

New cycle of The Black School is starting up on July 2nd, so I thought I would ask the current cohort for their thoughts on this Course in Cyprianic Conjuration. Everything below is a comment made within the last seven days: “This course was the push into discomfort that I needed to truly open my […]

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I have a lot going on this summer and folks have been asking me to set dates and make them public. So here goes: WISDOM OF HEKATE What is it? A Three Month Course that Explores The Mystical Side of our Hekatean Arcana. When does it start? June 21st, which is SOON! BLACK SCHOOL SORCERY […]

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The Student wants to gather Graveyard Dirt for a spell. They have heard that there is a proper way to do this and of course, they want to do it right. So they do some research and find that in RootDoctor X recommends first making an offering a shot glass of whiskey in exchange for […]

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Stop Trying To Make Dark Spirits Nice

I keep encountering students that want to work with the Darkest and most Wrathful Spirits they can find, and put them to work on NICE things. A group of spirits that curse a victim with loss? “Hey maybe I can get them to steal my addiction away!” A demon known for wasting a victim slowly […]

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In Defense of Schueler Enochiana

John Dee and Edward Kelly started receiving what we now know as Enochian Magic in the 1580’s. It included many Christian elements common for magic of the time, but also an Enochian Language and Script, and many complex tables containing names of spirits that are unique to this system. This is true and well documented, […]

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Unpublished Enochian Manuscripts!

–April 1st, 2024 Anyone that perused the shelves of the Magic or New Age sections of a Bookstore in the 80’s and early 90’s will remember the Enochian books of Gerald Schueler. As impressive as this list is, there were always rumors of unpublished manuscripts. Last year when Llewellyn Publications was cleaning out a store […]

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“Are you sure you are a Magician?” “A Magician should know better”   “That’s a strange take for a Magician!” People say this to me all the time. Whether it’s magic or politics or money, invariably one of my fellow “magical people” raises and eyebrow and tells me that my approach is somehow strange for […]

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