LEVEL UP COURSE Open to the public for the first time.

Want to dig into the mechanics of magic itself? Want to go deeper than the material/spiritual dichotomy? Want to explore magic beyond tradition, using nothing but reality itself as the frame? Level simultaneously explored the fringes of magic while explaining the foundations of how magic works. The name for the course comes from the concept […]

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Magister Officiorum Review

Every now and then you hear someone bring up the fact that The Ars Goetia and other grimoires all receive some “off-book” treatment in Africa and the Carribbean. Maybe someone loosely mentions something about Obeah, or Makaya, or Espiritismo and these books, then uses the fact that these practitioners don’t follow the texts to the […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Starts TOMORROW!

The wait is over, the course is beginning tomorrow. Registration closes tomorrow. Here are a few comments from students of the cycle that just wrapped up. ” Far from being a cute little magic course to learn to cast spells and tell gods you love them, it is a tour de force of methodical personal evolution […]

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Do It Anyway: Magic When You Don’t Feel Like It.

I was talking with a student about offerings and he mentioned that he hadn’t made them in a few days because he was not feeling well and was not “in a place” where he could commune with the spirits. “I don’t think I would get anything out of it right now. I would just be […]

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One Week Left To Join Sorcery of Hekate

This course is the crown of my training programs, and I do not think I am exaggerating when I say that there is NOTHING LIKE THIS out there. If you want to get in on a system of magic that is worth the work you put in, this is it. It is rooted in both […]

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No Serious Occultists? Pffft! Please….

As the current cycle of Sorcery of Hekate wraps up and a new one takes shape, I am overcome with emotion when I think about my students and their work. In a world filled with people flitting from one practice to another at an insane rate, you guys stuck with a practice for 7 months […]

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The Frustrated Flaneur

I broke my damn foot. It’s not bad, just a stress fracture. The doc does not even want a boot on it, but he wants me to stay off my feet. This is hard for me because walking is a vital magical practice. You guys know that I am a meditation pusher and I definitely […]

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Why is Sorcery of Hekate a Course and not a Book?

Yesterday someone asked why Sorcery of Hekate is a course and not a book. The short easy answer is that she demanded it be so, but that doesn’t really say much. The fact is that I wanted to do a book on this material. It was going to be my beautiful hardbound,limited edition, artisanal publisher, […]

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Hekate and the Witch Ghost

All Sorcery ifs Local and so one of the magical obsessions that I haven’t written much on yet is the magic of the Pine Barrens here in NJ. For years I attempted to make contact with Peggy Clevenger, a witch that was rumored to live in this area, so that I could get deeper insight […]

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