Cyprianic Novel Review: The Martyrs

Still waiting for the new Cyprian book from Nephilim, but readers of the Inominandum Memorandum have been asking me how The Martyrs by Tono Rondone is. This is a novel about St Cyprian and St Justine and details some of St Cyprians training, Justinas conversion, and St Cyprians conversion. I read it a couple weeks […]

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International Women’s Day, Strike, Protest and Support.

To all Strategic Sorceresses, Witches, and Women everywhere: Some of you are striking. Some of you are marching Some of you are wearing red Some of you are praying Some of you are simply avoiding spending money today. Your actions are inspiring, and whatever you are doing today I wish you luck and liberation, safety […]

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Don’t Lose Your Shirt; Don’t Lose Your Shit

Don’t Lose Your Shirt; Don’t Lose Your Shit Strategic Sorcery for Volatile Times. Saturday March 4th. 6pm No matter where you are politically there are a few things that you have to acknowledge. The job market is changing radically and rapidly and effects all aspects of the economy. We are inundated with news and information, […]

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When It Works Like You’re a Wizard

I spend a lot of my time teaching about how magic works to influence change, and how we should seek small strategic points to effect with magic so that we can reach our goals. That’s because magic doesn’t work like it does in the movies…. except when it does. I do maintain that we should […]

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Political Cursing

I have been getting a lot of questions about political magic, specifically about the use of curses and bindings against politicians. Mat Auryn asked 28 different practitioners, including me, about it and posted the results to his blog. Read our answers here: Over the weekend several Strategerati wanted to share and discuss this proposed “Spell […]

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All Sorcery Has a Body Count

The second Inominandum Memorandum came out today, and has a some small thoughts on why all Sorcery has a body count. If you want to know what I am talking about, as well as keep track of whats going on in Strategic Sorcery go check it out and hit subscribe in the upper left hand corner. […]

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Mastros and Zealot: Witches for Hire

Sara Mastros is one of my favorite Witches and so when she told me she was going pro, I was delighted. She is smart, compassionate, and knows her it-shay. I don’t know Simon Zealot quite as well, but we have met at Crucible several times and he is a smart chap with a quick wit. […]

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