When it sounds too good to be true.

***NOTE*** This post is not meant to slam anyone’s books or system, which is why this author and group has not been named. I know in fact that there is worth in the material. The post is a comment on the question I received, and the way that some people seem to be interpreting the context in which […]

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New Cycle of Strategic Sorcery and Global Mercury Rite

Get Ready to strap on your winged sandals folks because here we go….! The next cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course begins on July 29th and with it a new Global Rite – MERCURY. Here are the details: THE STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE: Over 1000 people have enrolled in the Course, and it just keeps rolling on […]

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Love and Astronauts

Some discussion lately about love curses.  I do not do this kind of thing for clients and as a rule I don’t do any kind of love magic aimed at a specific target at all, unless there are strong signs to say I should. Do you remember the Astronaut Diaper Drive of 2007? She was […]

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The White Mahakala Talismans are done! All that is left is for me to whisper your name and give a final blessing as I tie the string. These will go up for sale on the blog on Wednesday, but as always I make it available to the group first. This is the talisman that I […]

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Today I took a 7 hour road trip with the kids. You would think that being the only adult in a car with two 6 year olds, that I would be harried but it was just a really mellow and beautiful drive with no drama or whining. In the background of this day of course […]

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A while back I offered a deal on three card readings, and I had a great time doing them, and got such great feedback from clients, that I thought I would offer it again. From now until Wednesday 6/24  e-mail readings are only $50 – $25 off the regular price. Here are the rules: One Question. […]

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In three separate instances last week I or someone I know brought up a concern only to have someone dismiss it as a “first world problem” or otherwise point out how others have it worse. Here’s the thing: others always has it worse. There are people who have to walk three hours a day and […]

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