
“Money is not the prime commodity of our lives… Time is” -Gordon Geko –  We are 20 days into 2015, how are you doing on those goals, resolutions, and plans? Are you leveling up? Did you take immediate action? Did you take account for the roles circumstance, providence, and action? Excellent. Now, lets talk about time. […]

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REVIEW: The Conjurer’s Guide to St Expedite

This weekend I had the great pleasure to read Denise M. Alvarado’s new book: The Conjurers Guide to St Expedite. This is the first book of hers that I have read, but it will not be the last. The book is simply wonderful and a resource that the community has needed for a long time. So many […]

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Circumstance, Providence, and Action

Every now and then someone will tell you that we all manifest the lives we deserve and that only you are to blame for whatever your lot in life is. This is especially a trope that gets thrown around in New Age and occult circles where we like to think our thoughts or our actions manifest […]

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I learned to work with the Perihelion from one of my Bishops, but outside of that I have almost never heard about it. Yet today, when we are wrapping up the Hekate Helios Rite, I see this in Slate: http://www.slate.com/…/perihelion_2015_the_earth_is_closest… I try not not read as much into synchronicity as most other occultists do, but […]

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The Day After New Years Day

We spoke last week about Goal setting. I am going to focus this month on how to actually get those goals into action. Yesterday was New Years Day so a lot of us spent the time finishing the last of our party food, nursing our hangovers, and getting in the last of the holiday shenanigans. Today though, […]

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Sometimes I get accused of muddying up pure occultism with “self-help” tactics, but when it generates results I am happy to accept that. One of the best things about having run the Strategic Sorcery Course for several years now is that many people have attained the goals that they listed in their first homework. Some people […]

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Details on the Hekate Helios New Years Ritual

As New Years approaches people are gearing up for the Helios Hekate Global Rite. In fact I just got a testimonial about last years ritual a few minutes ago: “Last year, I took part in the global Hekate/Helios rite. A year later, looking back, I have to say that the results speak for themselves. Every […]

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Happy Holidays

I have been sick with a bad bug for a few days. You know its bad when I don’t drink any coffee for three days. It came shortly after my yearly astral journeys on Yule and while a pain, it was accompanied by some really great insights and ideas for the work ahead. Fever can be […]

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