Tarot de Marseilles

All my life I have been told, and read here and there that the Tarot de Marseilles was the “truest” Tarot. One early teacher even went do far as to say that everything that came after was not really a Tarot but an oracle deck as you lost the original postures and meanings. Still, I […]

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Statements of Intent

If simple religion is asking for the will of god and the spirits to be done, then a part of what differentiates magic is surely in asking for something specific to occur. Even if we then use a weasely modifier like “but your will be done” we are still at least asking for what we […]

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  KURUKULLA TALISMANS -I created a bunch of Kuruklla talismans this morning during the lunar eclipse. Tibetans believe that this increases their potency 1000 times. Kurukulla is one of my own heart practices and my go-to gal for influencing magic. I have chanted her mantra for everything from major business dealings, to getting out of tickets. She […]

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Twin Peaks and the Twisted Language of Spirits

In case you have not heard yet: TWIN PEAKS IS COMING BACK TO TELEVISION IN 2016! It has been 25 years, and true to the prophesy contained in the show, Dale has been in the Black Lodge for 25 years, and it is now time to come out! To celebrate this I am re-posting an […]

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In case you have not heard yet: TWIN PEAKS IS COMING BACK TO TELEVISION IN 2016! It has been 25 years, and true to the prophesy contained in the show, Dale has been in the Black Lodge for 25 years, and it is now time to come out! To celebrate this I am re-posting an […]

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Consultations and Conjure

Over the last month or so I have gotten some great feedback on consultations and other work I have done for people. Here are a few examples: “At the beginning of the summer my business was tanking and headed towards closure. I am 45 years old and the prospect of re-entering the workplace at my […]

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Cyprian Feast Day

Friday was St Cyprians Day, which led into a weekend packed with magic, a night at the theater, and family time so I have not been able to report until today. The Cyprian Days were extremely enlightening. Last year Cyprian surprised me as his teachings were all about Jesus and the place my role as […]

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CRUCIBLE: Conjuration and Chaos!

Are you going to Crucible this year? Do you know about it? Why not? Crucible is different than most gatherings you go to: No vendors: the focus is on learning and socializing with people of like mind. Though there is a mixer on Friday and brunch on Sunday the real Crucible is just one day […]

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Sale Ends September 21st

“Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the mind of pretenders While chasing the clouds away” – Earth, Wind, and Fire The 21st is also the last day to get the Strategic Sorcery Course for $100. For more info click here or just sign up with the paypal link below.

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The Days of Cyprian are Upon Us

Today is the feast day of Cyprian of Carthage, and tomorrow begins the 9 days of novena ending on the 16th, the feast of Cyprian of Antioch. My own prayer to the Sorcerer Saint goes like this: In the name of the great and mighty power of God I invoke the sublime influence of St. […]

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