The Nature of Jupiter

”And as for Jupiter… finally someone has called it like we should all be seeing it. That’s an astral Manhattan skyline in the background. Praying to Jupiter has always struck me as waving a little flag as the Queen goes by. This is a god of kings and Rothschilds. It is Jupiter that allows Wall […]

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Sex Magicians of the Late 19th Century.

I gave a talk at Thelesis Oasis of the OTO this weekend. The talk, as with a lot of the book, focuses on explaining Tantric and Taoist tech in very plain terminology that anyone can understand and apply to practice in just about any context. At the end of the talk various people asked me if […]

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The Devil’s Advocate

Many of my readers are no doubt aware that in response to Oklahoma allowing a 10 Commandments Monument at the Starehouse, the Satanic Temple has commissioned a Satanic Monument that they wish to install as well. The idea being that if it is religious freedom to have a Christian Monument at a government building, it […]

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Helios Rite Sent

I just got finished logging everyone into the new cycle of the course and sending out the Helios Rite to the new students. Students from existing cycles will receive it tonight. If you have paid for the course but have not received an e-mail from me today, please write me at inominandum@gmail.com and let me […]

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Just made my very first etched Venus Talisman. It looks like crap, but I will be honing my technique and eventually have a big batch up for sale.

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Only one week left to sign up for the next cycle of Strategic Sorcery or to participate in the Global Helios Success Ritual. I received the following comments about the course just within the last week: “As my cycle of the course is ending, I am going to miss waiting with anticipation to receive the […]

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I was reading one of my daughters books to her last night and in it Olivia compains that all the girls only want to be princesses. After talking about other things she likes to be she later reflects: “Why is it always a pink princess?  Why not an Indian princess or a princess from Thailand or […]

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Strategic Sorcery Course is $150

As I mentioned a few months ago I raised the price of the Strategic Sorcery Course to $200 starting with this cycle. Over the holiday weekend, I had a change of heart. Though people were signing up at the new price without complaint, I started to to think about the economy and the product. While […]

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My favorite new part of my business is teaching viw phone or skype consultations. While my courses and books allow me to give a lot of valuable info to a lot of people, these consultation sessions are great for teaching something very specific in a way that is tailored to the individual student. A few […]

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