Why Strategic Sorcery?

I was sitting down a few days ago to write a post about why I think the Strategic Sorcery Course is good, but I decided that it would be much better to let the students that have taken the course speak for it. I asked them all for a short sentence answering the question “Why […]

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Cold and crisp air outside? Pumpkin in just about every damn thing you eat? Two rabbits running in a ditch? Must be the Season of the Witch… Fall has always been my season. It REEKS of magic. The veil really does seem thin as we get closer to Hallowmass and the days of the dead. […]

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The Keys to Success in Magic

I recently asked a student to drop doing spells for specific things and focus on regular practice of a few key exercises. After a couple weeks she started getting everything that she was looking for and a clear path emerged for going forwards.  She was surprised at both the advice and the result. She remarked that […]

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Reading with Playing Cards

I made a series of very short videos about doing readings with normal playing cards, which is my go-to system these days. This is the first in a series of six videos. Like my facebook page to see them all. By the end of watching the video you will not only have the basics of […]

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Review of Obeah: A Sorcerous Ossuary by Nicholaj Frisvold

First he shone a light into the dark reaches of Palo. Next he opened the gates to the red realms of Exu and Pomba Gira in his works on Quimbanda. This weekend I got the pleasure of reading yet another of Nicholaj Frisvolds masterwork expositions on a magical tradition that has, till now, remained largely […]

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Advice for Occult and Pagan Authors.

Aaron Leitch posted a great piece today on the realities of being an author in the internet era. Apparently someone went so far as to accuse him of hate speech and post his address online. Thankfully that has never happened to me. I have had a similar experience a few years ago though. Someone who […]

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Product Updates

Just a note to say that I am away for the weekend with very limited access. All orders of APM and the SS COURSE will be filled on Monday Night. All physical products, including the Simhamukha Talismans, will be going out on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Have a great weekend everyone.

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You can’t make everything about everything.

“And there’s always a place for the angry young man, With his fist in the air and his head in the sand. And he’s never been able to learn from mistakes, He can’t understand why his heart always breaks. His honor is pure and his courage as well, He’s fair and he’s true and he’s […]

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Help Me Spread the Word

It is time to get phase 2 of my business charging forward in a big way. To do it, I need your help. I created a new facebook authors page for myself. Going forward this is where I will post almost everything related to Strategic Sorcery, Magic, Self-Development, and Spirituality on Facebook. That will save […]

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ADVANCED PLANETARY MAGIC Chances are that you already know a lot about the magic of the planets. You know how they act as gates that you rise through the spheres through. You know that they are mapped onto the Tree Of Life and you know which Sephira they relate to. You know that Venus is […]

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