Interview with Yours Truly

Go here and listen to me talk smack. I cover: The deception of “Barista Spirituality” Whats good and bad about the Law of Attraction Why it is more important to increase income than cut expenses. http://content.blubrry.com/paranormalplus/Financial_Sorcery_-_The_Other_Side_43.mp3

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Trusting Spiritual Powers and Heavy Prices.

I was supposed to make my second financial sorcery post tonight, but Independence Day festivities got in the way. I have however collected a few thoughts regarding the HGA thing that grew out of the Five Things thing that I started a couple weeks ago, so here we go… First, you should read Jows post […]

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Kilaya Talismans and Owed Talismans

Now that I have a solid full day per week again to dedicate to administrative stuff, I am getting my office re-done after a drastic paperwork fiasco. I need your help. First and formost, only half the Kilaya talismans went out and I cannot find the sheet that told me who’s who. If I owe […]

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First Tattoo

Got my first tattoo last night. A gift from Matt Brownlee, who is also the artist and seer that helped reify the strategic Sorcery planetary seals and the Lightning Glyphs of Jupiter. Anyway, the tattoo is a Sungwa – a protection against demons – from a woodcut taken from Thangboche Gompa in Nepal. For those […]

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My Financial Sorcery Awakening.

One thing that I have been pointing out when I do promo’s for the book is that I am not in the 1%. I am not a millionaire (yet) much less a billionaire. In fact, like many people involved in magic and witchcraft, I really didn’t give money or a career much thought at all. […]

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Financial Sorcery has arrived! It should be available on Amazon tomorrow and the link for reviews is already open. Now that it is out I will be dedicating one post a week, on Thursdays, to Financial Sorcery related subjects and links. To your health and wealth my readers!

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Book Excerpt

I want to thank everyone that voted on which chapter to provide an excerpt from. Entrepreneurial Magic was the winner by three votes followed closely by Killing Debt. Here is a short excerpt from the winning chapter. I will post another excerpt in a few weeks from the Killing Debt chapter.  Keep in mind that […]

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                    My friend Tiffany is a phenomenal Witch. We used to hang in Philadelphia back in the day, and while she was not actively involved in the occult or Pagan community back then, she was one of those people who didn’t need to be. She is a Witch […]

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Strategic Sorcery Foodbank Drive

Around the solstices and equinoxes I take a week and donate half the proceeds from Strategic Sorcery enrollment to a worthwhile charity. This time I will be donating the money to the Food Bank of South Jersey. I actually know two people personally who have had to take advantage of the services of the foodbank […]

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Help me choose which chapter to sample.

The time has come to release a sample from the book, and I always have trouble choosing which chapter to offer a sample from. SO…. Won’t you help me out and do it for me? Here are the chapters of Financial Sorcery. The ONLY chapter I am not going to release part of is “BY […]

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