Things we need to escape the gravity of.

A few weeks ago Gordon and I surprised some, and delighted others, by stating that we thought western occultism needed to escape the gravity of the HGA. Its not that it’s bad to attain K&C of HGA. It’s just that its a bad thing mind you, it has just become such a huge honking deal […]

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Financial Sorcery Glyph Report

As I mentioned previously, the new book has a series of 16 Lightning Glyphs that can be used in Financial Spellwork. I tested many of them as the book went to print, and friends of mine tested others. One that I never got round to testing was the Glyph  for reversing bad luck…. Until this […]

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The Blog Round Up.

I have been so swamped for the last few months, that I have hardly had any time for the blog. The first bit of good news is that starting next week, the kids day care FINALLY has a spot open for another day, and I can have them in daycare for a day so that […]

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I just finished reviewing and making last minute changes to Financial Sorcery. I am prouder of this book than anything I have ever written. The full over is above. Very cool, if I do say so myself. At the beginning of the year I changed the Logo of this blog and announced that I would […]

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Post Chaos Magic 3: Reality as Symbol Set.

One of the most exciting early blurbs about Chaos Magic that Peter Carroll ever wrote was that Chaos Magic would use reality itself as the symbol set rather than rely upon a particular system. I have to say that Carroll himself did, and is still doing, a pretty damn good job of doing just that. […]

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Jow does in fact smile

Just for the record, Jow does smile. All the time in fact. I actually chose that photo because it is the rare occasion he looks like he is trying to kill someone with his thoughts. That and Deb looks angelic. Here is another photo to prove Jows benevolent disposition: Many thanks to Ogre the Omnimancer for taking […]

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When Magi Meet.

When experienced magicians meet, there is always transmission. This can happen formally at times, but after a certain level tends to happen informally. Spiritual presence mingles with spiritual presence, the channels of one magus dance with the channels of another, and of course the sharing of ideas through simple conversation. These are occassions to celebrate, […]

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A few things about the Kilaya Talismans. 1. To order them, write me at inominandum@gmail.com 2. I am giving away 5 of them, so if you are in need of obstacles being broken up in your life, but cannot afford the $50, please write me and I will let you know if there are any […]

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May 20th – Vajrakilaya Amulets.

May 20th is an important solar eclipse for those that practice Tibetan Magic. This accurs on a New Moon, and happens the Day before Saga Dawa (Birth and Death of Buddha Shakyamuni). As this will make all positive and negative actions multiplied by 10,000 times, I have decided to do another batch of Tibetan Talismans. […]

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Post Chaos Magic Part 2: PLUS SIZE MODELS!

BELIEF MODEL Chaos Magic arose in not only in a multi-cultural world, but in a world that had become such a melting pot that even the most esoteric and secretive occult traditions were becoming public in an unprecedented manner. It is hard though for any westerner to shake off Christian programming, and part of that […]

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