
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"


I have gotten a few questions lately about financial wellness and what kind of courses and classes to take of mine. It’s a tough question because it really depends upon where you are financially. For example, if you are really stuck or broke the last thing I would ever tell you is to take a […]

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When you are born into a religion, it tends to have a certain power in your life. For some, this manifests in a negative way: power over the individual and possibly trauma from bad experiences. For them turning away and never looking back, or even adopting an antagonistic stance, is their way of recapturing power, […]

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Understanding Magic as Decision-Making

At its most basic Magic is a Decision. You decide that an action you take is a message to the universe. The hot sauce is going to heat somewhat up. The freezer is going to cool somewhat off. The Pentagram drawn a certain way is going to call forth and element. The Epithet of a […]

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The Hekate Library

Restricted to those that have taken Sorcery of Hekate 1. Anyone that downloads these that has not taken the Sorcery of Hekate course will find them unworkable and confusing at best. NOTE: These classes all appeared in either Hekat2 or Hekat3 – if you have taken those classes make sure you do not already have […]

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I recently asked current Sorcery of Hekate students what they wished they knew before taking the course. One student suggested they wished they knew more about Spirit Mandalas since a mandala plays a huge role in our Arcana. So, here we go. You are probably already familiar with the word Mandala, and maybe think of […]

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The Wider World Of Hekatean Magic

If you follow this blog, or are familiar with my work at all, you know that I have a series of courses designed to train students in a specific body of Sorcery related to Hekate. Of course when I started teaching on Hekate, there was not the abundance of material and teachers devoted to her […]

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In Troubled Times: DO NOTHING

I don’t generally talk politics here but I also cannot ignore that I and a large majority of my readers/students/fans are pretty stressed out over the result of the election. This stress increases with every new appointment. Students have been asking me what they can do to manage. I used to tell people that the […]

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15 years ago I launched the Strategic Sorcery Course – a year long email course in practical magic. It is still available today at the price it was over a decade ago. $150 for the year, which works out to less than 3 bucks a lesson. I am now offering something I have only offered […]

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Days of the Cyprians: Simplicity and Silence

Today marks the first of the nine days leading to the feast of Saint Cyprian of Antioch. If you plan on praying a novena to the Sorcerer Saint, today is the day! Every year at this time students in “The Black School of Saint Cyprian” program ask me for specific instructions for these days, and […]

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