Yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany, the date that celebrates the Three Magi who visited Christ and the date upon which special waters and chalk are blessed that get used in exorcism and conjuring alike. Today, I again am opening the gates of the Black School Training program for all who are interested in […]
Continue readingThe 13th cycle of Sorcery of Hekate begins this Monday, January 3rd! Above is one of my favorite images that students have ever given me related to the course. It’s exactly what the course is designed to do: provide the training, framework, and tools to make magic, even the magic you already know, more effective. […]
Continue readingI am forever looking for new ways to communicate what Sorcery of Hekate can do, so I asked students to finish this sentence: After seven months of Sorcery of Hekate…. “ There is a deep and abiding trust that is a result of this on going experience. I now have the key that opens all doors, and I […]
Continue readingNote: This post has its own point meant for everyone, but also ties into my course. I hate “articles” that are really sales pitches so I wanted to alert everyone up front. Last year, Olivia, the Witch of Wonderlust, took the Sorcery of Hekate Course and reviewed it. This summer she posted a follow up […]
Continue readingThere was a very cool exchange in the comments of a recent youtube video I made about this cycle of the course. Tania Dakka commented that since first taking the course a few years ago her life has become completely different. Someone I don’t know yet, asked her a poignant question: How? How has your […]
Continue readingDear Friend/Family member who doesn’t believe in Magic…. I get it, I do. Why should you believe in something that hasn’t been proven to you? Frankly if my experience of the world didn’t more or less force me to believe in magic, I probably wouldn’t either. So as we gather together, please know, that I […]
Continue readingRose Smith-Rowland was kind enough to share her experience with the Sorcery of Hekate course, and her most joyful depiction of our Lady. She is working now on getting prints together for sale, and will have not only this one, but other spirits from the Arcana available, so stay tuned for links to her work. “I’m […]
Continue readingSolid-void theory is a concept in archetecture which holds that the spaces shaped or implied by the placement of solid objects is just as important, or more important, than the objects themselves. If you are intent on designing your life willfully, its not a bad idea to keep some basic design concepts in mind. Mankind […]
Continue readingI once was part of a magic group where a few members started pushing lizard people consipracy stuff. I find this kind of thing decidely wacky and baseless, and said so. Many people in the group chided me for not being open to the idea. “After all we all believe in magic, and most normal […]
Continue readingYesterday was Advent, the first day of the first season of the Christian year. Why do Sorcerer’s care? Well, if you do the Cyprian novena in September, meet the Devil during the years walk on Christmas eve, get consecrated chalk on Epiphany, gather with Witches on Walpurgisnacht, or just like to get shit faced on […]
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