
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Financial Field Report

I received this homework and extra credit report from a student today. In the course I give an assignment of a detailed review and overhaul of your financial situation followed by a Sorcerous Strategy aimed at improvement. This is some nice work and a good example of the Strategic Sorcery approach.   I’m currently very […]

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Strategic Sorcery Charity Drive

Usually about this time per quarter, I do a charity drive for Doctors Without Borders. For one week or so I split the tuition of anyone that joins the Strategic Sorcery Course. But this time I am doing something a little bit different. A good friend and mentor recently reached out to me to help […]

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Shoaling and Strategic Sorcery

So Gordon wrote, what I think is certainly the best thing to come out on sigils in the last 10 years, and a large part of that is that he very clearly and cleanly explains his shoaling system in context. Gordon and I work magic in a very similar fashion on a number of levels. […]

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I haven’t spoken about it here because it is only open to those who have  received all the Strategic Sorcery Lessons, but the STRATEGIC SELF course launches tomorrow morning! I just finished the first lesson and I am jazzed for what is to come. I mention this here only because at the beginning of the […]

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Spitrituality: how do you know it is working?

Over at Magic of Thought  there was a thoughtful reply to my Psychology and Magic post. After making some interesting points Mike ended his post with a question. “So, I have a question for Jason, and anyone else thinking about these things: If you are doing magick for an awakening / enlightenment / personal growth, which […]

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We have liberal pastors!

In his blog today Frater RO put out the call for the appearance of Liberal Pastors. The thing is that they are already here. Entire movements of them. MAINLINE CHRISTIANITY: Mainline Christianity (most of Protestant Denominations, named after the railroad mainline in Philadelphia where many of these denominations first became established) WAS the majority of […]

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