There is a lot of friction in our community between research and revelation. So much so that some communities seem to treat them as separate streams that should never touch or intertwine. Research oriented practitioners are fast to dismiss UPG as worthless. On the other side of the extreme are Revelation oriented practitioners who do […]
Continue reading“This morning a great question came in on the Strategic Sorcery group: ” I created the Jupiterian cash box a while ago, and haven’t really put to use or maintained (as well as I should). What should I do if I want to get into Jupiteer cash box again? Start a new one – or just […]
Continue readingI read about a study in luck this week. Why some people are luckier than others turns out it has a lot to do with attention, and recognizing opportunities when they arise. But here’s the rub, people that thought of themselves as lucky were more likely to recognize those opportunities than those who thought of […]
Continue readingThe Black School Course starts in just a few days, and as anyone who has taken it can tell you, it is a weird and wonderful thing that has proven extremely effective go-to system for many. I can say with confidence that it is the kind of thing you will love if you love this […]
Continue readingThe Black School program starts again in one week! I can’t wait. I love pulling people into the deep world of Esoteric Christian practice for a few weeks, then showing how Diabolism gets entirely re-framed within this context. The students that it has produced have truly become, as Jesus instructed: “Wise as Serpents, Pure as […]
Continue readingSome enterprising person decided to make a set of Solomons Pentacles from the Key of Solomon. Now the book itself says that these are to be inscribed at certain astrological times. Some copies suggest metals that are specific to the planets, but most are drawn in blood on parchment. These coins however are all pewter […]
Continue readingIn my work, I focus on magic that requires training and practice. That is what I love to teach and what I love to share the most, but it takes a lot of time and effort and discipline. Not all spirit skills require discipline and training. Some are little tricks of perception that you can […]
Continue readingCrazy week huh? No sermon, salve, or sorcery this week from me. Just a short thought experiment I want you to play. I want you to imagine a dating app that finds the one person in the world that is most like you. Every damn interest and vector you can think of. Going out on […]
Continue readingIt’s true, there is nothing magic or ancient about the date changing from 2020 to 2021. Unless of course you think that human psyche has some sway, in which case closing the book on 2020 actually has HUGE impact. Many of the most important things in our society from our Markets to our Democracy are […]
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