Diana Branton gave my philosophy on this in a nutshell: “The trick is finding the sweet spot and pushing it to scale. I hope she doesn’t mind me expounding a bit on it.” To expand a bit on that, in my head magic is all about levers, boulders, and placement. What’s the Lever? Well, the […]
Continue readingThis morning I asked for some feedback from the students just finishing up Sorcery of Hekate. Alex Sandra gave me the headline of this post. Her full quote is: “I have chanted my heart out, prayed, laughed, cried, worked magic that I didn’t know I was capable of before, I have explored the fabric of […]
Continue readingI have been getting asked a lot if Sorcery of Hekate is ok for beginners or if it is only for people with lot’s of experience. I say yes. Its great for beginners. When I think back to when I started magic, filled with hunger and zeal for forbidden knowlege, what I wanted more than […]
Continue readingThe Glyph above was made by a student who wanted to describe what Sorcery of Hekate did for her practice. The Sorcery of Hekate is the only course I run where I don’t publish a class list ahead of time. Some think this is to generate an air or secrecy around the course, but […]
Continue readingThe current Cycle of Sorcery of Hekate is coming to a close and a new cycle is forming. Cycle 10 of Sorcery of Hekate opens on June 8th! A lot of what I have share about the Hekate course has been focused on Sorcery and result magic. I thought this time that I would announce […]
Continue readingLet’s start by saying: eclecticism CAN BE disrespectful, shallow, and even silly. If you could travel back to the 90’s or early aughts, I was often the one in the room saying “slow down, engage only with those traditions you have actually invested time in and have real knowledge of, eclecticism for the sake of […]
Continue readingA couple months ago I encountered a few people that claimed magic is like science and if its real magic it ALWAYS works. To these folks it was a particular strain of grimoire purism that qualified as real, so I asked them to physically fly over to Vermont and pay me a visit. Or perhaps […]
Continue readingI have tried all sorts of spells and rituals with St Expedite. I have taken his palm branch (my statue’s is removable) and replaced it with a petition in his hand. I have balanced a penny on his cross and threatened to take it away. I have placed his picture upside down to work faster. […]
Continue readingI have sent you the basic info on the course. I told you what it promises. I have shared its origin. It’s time to let the Students speak. Here are the statements from Students that just ended the course last week. Stephen MacNaughton – ” I feel like I’ve taken one step through a door that leads […]
Continue readingYesterday someone noted that my Black School of St Cyprian appeared around the time that Worship of St Cyprian was becoming popular. This is true. It appeared at that time because I don’t just pop out courses. I work the material for years, then test it among small groups of people. I also had […]
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