
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Financial Sorcery: Four Tiered Targeting

Twice today I have been sent articles about finances, so I guess that’s what I am meant to write about today. One criticizing pretty much all financial advice as classist, and another critical of how the poor get viewed as lazy. Let me say first and formost that most poor people are not lazy or […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Payment Options

I got the best comment about the Sorcery of Hekate today: “I’ve been practicing for a long time (took my first formal initiation with an order at 17, I am 47 now) and this has been one of the most challenging and rewarding systems I have worked. I continue to be amazed at the simplicity […]

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Sorcery of Hekate Course – THE WAIT IS OVER

“This class changed my views on magic and myself as a sorcerer in a way that nothing came ever close in comparison, if you can join one of the wildest rides ever.” – Marco Felgueiras It Is Time Once Again To Open The Gates… THE SORCERY OF HEKATE COURSE In my first book, Protection and Reversal […]

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Review of Phil Hine’s Wheels Within Wheels Series.

If you are an occultist of any stripe, chances are you know what Chakras are. If you were interested in magic back in the 80’s and 90’s you definitely know what chakras are because they were covered in nearly every book on magic, witchcraft, Kabbalah, or occultism that was on the market, whether it made sense to […]

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Hekate Global Rite Starts TOMORROW

On Halloween 2009 I started the first cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course, and since then over 1800 people have taken the course and benefited from an approach to magic that makes real and lasting changes in their lives. In our community we celebrate a series of Global Rites – five throughout the year. The Halloween Hekate […]

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Whole Magic Part 3: Instant Karma or Zero Consequence?

I once heard a Christian and an Athiest debate ethics. The Christian argued “If there is no god, no heaven, no hell,no judgement what is there to keep people from raping and killing whoever they want?“. The Athiest responded “I rape and kill as many people as want, which is zero. If divine retribution is […]

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Learn Sorcery. Meet Cool People. Do Magic With Them…

On Halloween 2009 I started the first cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course, and since then over 1800 people have taken the course and benefited from an approach to magic that makes real and lasting changes in their lives. In our community we celebrate a series of Global Rites – five throughout the year. The Halloween Hekate […]

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Strategic Sorcery in a Sentence

Since the Strategic Sorcery Global Hekate Rite is coming up fast, I asked current students to offer a single sentence about it. Here is a small sample: “Nothing short of life changing”– Shay Maloney “Possibly the best “Basic Training” boot camp in sorcery and magic currently available, for both the complete beginner and seasoned practitioner […]

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Whole Magic Part 2: Research vs Revelation

An Ancient Conversation… Amdo Tibet, circa 1618. A conversation between a Gelugpa Lama who stresses the importance of Tantras that come from India and a Nyingma Lama, who embraces Terma – hidden treasures – thought to be left or communicated directly by the lineage founder Padmasambhava. It might have gone something like this…. Gelugpa Lama: […]

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