
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Magic to Topple the Oligarchy

A few months ago I was asked what magic people should do to topple the Oligarchy. I asked for people that had run for office to raise their hands – no one did. I asked for people who planned on running to raise their hands – no one did. I asked if there was no […]

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The Pactum Report- Historical Sorcery Fit For Today

There are many people now who excel at presenting historical translations of magical texts – a huge boon the magical community. There are not many however that present the text along with commentary on how to make that text workable, while filling in some of the gaps that might be missing from such a book […]

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Twin Peaks and Magic….

As I mentioned in this weeks Inominandum Memorandum, I am watching the show that I have been waiting for for 25 years: The return of Twin Peaks!!  To celebrate, I wanted to post one of my older pieces on how Twin Peaks helped me understand some of the spirits who do not communicate directly. This […]

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Money Magic Home Maintenance Parable

Yesterday it hit 93 degrees, so I flipped on the AC. Four hours later the temp was three degrees Higher than when it was when I put it on. So I called the repair company and found that I need a whole new unit. I told this to someone whose appointment I moved to meet with […]

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Deep Training in a Secret System of Hekatean Sorcery In my first book, Protection and Reversal Magic, I revealed some of the secrets that Hekate, goddess of Sorcery, had revealed to me since our first contact in 2000. That was only a small glimpse into the Arcana that she has been laying out to me […]

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#AmericanGods: The Jersey Devil and the Pines Witch

Sara Mastros started up an “American Gods Project” that encourages people to write on spirits and deities local to where they dwell. This fits well into my #AllSorceryIsLocal thing, so I cannot resist jumping in. The following is about some of the spirits in the Pine Barrens. If you don’t live here, chances are your […]

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