
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Why Juno? Stability, Health, and yes Money

I have gotten a lot of questions regarding the Juno Global Prosperity Rite this weekend. She is not a goddess you see invoked a lot and while it makes total sense to some people to do this, others have been puzzled and even frightened at the prospect. We have done several prosperity rites focusing on Jupiter […]

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April 1st 2017 is the perfect day to announce my next book project: HYGGE SHUI. In yet another bold fusion of Eastern and Western thought I will be taking the Danish design craze that is sweeping the world and combining it with the  art of harmonizing our home environment for auspicious fortune. This will establish perfect […]

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Spring has sprung and it is time yet again to kick off a new Cycle of the Strategic Sorcery Course. This new Cycle will be kicking off on MAY 1st with a Global Juno Rite. All you need to do to participate is be a member of the Strategic Sorcery course STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE: Over […]

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A.B.C Always Be Conjuring

A student suggesting this for the new course. I am not planning on a Glengarry Glem Ross approach, but it was too funny not to post here….  The spirits are weak? The fucking spirits are weak? YOU’RE weak. I’ve been doing this for 30 years…. ABC. A, Always, B, Be, C, Conjuring. Always be conjuring […]

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The New Cycle of Level Up! has begun. If you signed up but did not get an e-mail. please let me know asap so I can fix whatever went wrong. If you still want to sign up, you can do it through the end of the week. Those who joined and got your lesson: THANK […]

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For the last six months I have been running a class that was only available to prior students. About 200 people are now in the final lessons of it, and the result has been fantastic. On March 21st the gates will open and a new cycle will start. “I have taken Strategic Sorcery but this is […]

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Its NEW, It’s BLUE, It’s Conjure Codex 3!

A few days ago a courier from Pricewaterhouse Coopers rang my bell and unlocked the handcuff holding the briefcase to his left hand. He opened it up and handed me an advance copy of Conjure Codex 3 from Hadean Press. Actually, he handed me the script for a La-la-land sequel, then apologized and gave me the […]

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Telling Them to F*ck Off – Mindfully

I got this e-mail about the Take Back Your Mind Program this weekend” “Oh My God Jason. I have never taken a mindfulness program that encouraged me to tell someone to fuck off as an exercise! You are right, peace and calm are only valuable if you can stand up for yourself and for others. […]

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