
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

What People Are Saying About Take Back Your Mind…

Here are some comments from students of the most recent cycle. “I found the TBYM course very valuable. As someone with meditation experience I still learned a number of excellent techniques. I found the course content interesting and incredibly relevant to the challenges of daily life. I imagined the cushion time commitment would be the […]

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The Three Keys Of Christmas

When it comes to Christmas, there are three things to the story that I think are important.  Three sacred keys to understanding what the story of the nativity is really trying to communicate. They have fuck-all to do with accepting Christ, or proclaiming yourself a Christian, or anything at all about what you believe. Since […]

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Mysticism and the Nightmare Before Christmas

Have you seen The Nightmare Before Christmas? Ya’know, the Tim Burton film where Jack Skellington discovers a doorway out of the Halloween Town where he lives that leads to Christmas Land? This world is utterly unlike anything he has encountered before, and he tries to explain it to the people of Halloween Town in an attempt to get […]

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Take Back Your Mind – Starts New Years Day 2017

  “This was the hardest, but best thing I have ever done” T.S., Student of Take Back Your Mind 2015 This course is different than most mindfulness programs. Most teachings on meditation talk about finding calm and peace. Calm and peace are important, but they are a side effect, not the goal. The goal is to take back what has been […]

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Increase Your Calm While Keeping Your Edge

Your mind has been taken from you. It has been taken by news that preys on fear. It has been taken by smartphones notifications. It has been taken by jobs that demand more work then ever. It has been taken by economic worry. It has been taken by a culture that seems almost designed to erode […]

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Hekate Helios New Years Global Rite

The dawn of a new year will soon be upon us, and we at Strategic Sorcery like to mark this change of the calendar with a linked pair of rituals: the Hekate-Helios Global Rite for success. Of all the global rites I have offered, none have been as successful for people as the Hekate-Helios combo. […]

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Lineage in the Western Magical Tradition

Not that long ago, in a conversation on Facebook, someone commented that, as opposed to initiatory traditions of the African based or Asian traditions, “the Western Magical Tradition has Literature, not Lineages.” The idea I think being that rather than old lines of transmission person to person, we have a textual tradition going from the […]

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Help Christopher Bradford

I RARELY ever share any kind of crowdfunding, but fellow Father, Alchemist, Sorcerer, and friend Christopher Bradford’s wife passed away this week. He is now the single father of four children. Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated and well-used. Go HERE to donate to the GoFundMe Donations go to expenses for […]

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5 Days left to join Sorcery of Hekate.

” I’ve made more progress in my spiritual & magical practices in these 7 months than over the past 10 years. I rate the Sorcery of Hekate 15 out if 10 stars.” – Kim Ellis Only five days left to sign up for the first lesson. Now is the time.THE COURSE WILL BEGIN ON 12/5 WHAT […]

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The Fundamentals of Astrology: Sigils, Services, and Spirits

You guys know Doctor Strange right? Doctor Doom, Doctor Fate, Doctor Occult, and all those other Doctors of Magic, Mysticism, and such? Well put down the comics and learn from a real doctor: Doctor Alexander Cummins PHD. He is once again offering his highly acclaimed series on the Fundamentals of Astrology.  For those who want […]

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