
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"


Candlemas/Imbolc is coming, which means that its time for the Helios Success Rite. As the sun begins to grow in length and strength we will honor the power of the sun and ask it to illuminate the paths to our goals – spiritual, financial, romantic, and otherwise. Those of you who have made New Years […]

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The Blog-o-Sphere

The “Blogosphere”? What is this 2008?  Yes dammit! The Blogosphere! Many of the magic blogs that I follow have slowed down to a snails pace. Those that have been active, seem to have most of the comments on facebook rather than on the blogs themselves. Part of this is due to spammers slamming blogs so hard […]

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David Bowie.

This morning, Tiffany woke me up with the words “David Bowie died last night”. It’s kind of odd how some moments feel like they just get stapled into the memory books because of their importance. I barely knew who John Lennon was when he died, but remember distinctly the moment I heard about it and […]

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Today is the last day of Christmas, also known as Epiphany. There are a lot of events and meanings that get tacked onto this day: the baptism of Christ, the extension of grace to gentiles, and most importantly the visitation of the Three Magi-Kings. The three Magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar are mentioned in several […]

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Last Chance to Take Back Your Mind.

The new cycle of Take Back Your Mind begins on Monday, January 11th. Rather than talk more about the class, here are some words from Diotima Mantineia, who took the course last year: “Jason always delivers solid, in-depth knowledge based on personal experience, and Take Back Your Mind was no exception. Given that I started […]

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Good Advice From a A Teacher

The last weeks of the year are stressful for me. The kids are home for a week and, since I work from home, I pretty much spend every waking moment in their presence. It has been a solid week now. I was talking to a friend, someone I consider a meditation teacher, and confided: “The […]

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HEKATE/HELIOS begins in two days!!!

On one of the first four nights of the New Year, along with hundreds of students and alumni, you can perform the Hekate Global rite asking her to be a guide in the dark, initiate you into the mysteries, and help unfold the secrets of Sorcery. The Next Morning or afternoon you will perform a […]

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“This is a great depiction of my mind before and after Jason Miller’s Take Back Your Mind course. The before’s me, struggling up the mountain, with my mind all scrambled, just like the one on the head of the guy climbing up that mountain. And the after is me, sitting sitting zen-like and calm, with […]

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The Christmas Post: Immanence and Transcendence as One

I was chatting with an apprentice at the beginning of the season about the whole Jesus thing. He felt this attraction to esoteric Christian work, but strangely balked at the name Jesus. He liked the Logos, the word of god and divine spark. It was suitably Cosmic in his mind to be divine. He could deal […]

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I recorded an AMA for Occult Corpus Forum this afternoon. If you want to hear me blather for 80+ minutes about magic, this is RIGHT UP YOUR ALLEY. Topics include: Eastern vs Western Magic Why to have a mentor and how to work with one. How I fit daily practice into a busy day Why I read […]

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