
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Tax Magic

My advice for those who die Declare the pennies on your eyes Cuz I’m the Taxman.  – The Beatles. Two days ago was Tax Day here in America, if you get a paycheck from an employer this is probably a good time of year for you because you are planning to spend your rebate check. […]

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A couple weeks ago I had a dream involving a black Gator, and I thought “maybe I should make more of the Gator Hand Mojo Bags…. nah they are a pain in the ass to make. Powerful though…” Then last weekend I took the kids to the zoo and got stared down by a Gator. He was […]

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Enchanting your way to Malta

I received a wonderful field report this weekend that I just have to share. This is from a student who was living in Italy with a parent, and wanted to not only move out, but move to Malta. Following the Strategic Sorcery pattern of Macro-Enchantment followed by Micro-Enchantments aimed at enhancing every mundane step of […]

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Discounted Copies of The Holy Guardian Angel

Everyone remember that great anthology  last year on the HGA? I was in it, so was Mikle Cecchetelli, Rufus Opus, Bryan Garner, Aaron Leitch and a whole slew of others…. Well now is your chance to get a copy at a discount. Nephilim received two cases that were slightly damaged at the binders and  couldn’t be […]

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Fiction for Sorcerers

Over on the Strategic Sorcery Group we were having a discussion about fiction for Sorcerer’s sparked by this post over at Blue Flame Magick. Here was my list of 12. 1. The Club Dumas – such a great view of fallen angels, promethian spirituality and interpretation of images. A fun romp. 2. Generation X by […]

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The Results of a 20 year long Chaos Magic working

20 years ago in 1995, I set about exploring the frontiers of Chaos Magic theory, most espcecially the theory that it is belief itself that powers magic rather than what is believed in. I noted though that many chaos magicians were getting less stellar results than traditional mages. This, I theorized, was due to Chaos […]

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St Cyprian Perfume

So it’s Holy Week for Christians everywhere, even totally wacky heretical-even-by-gnostic-standards mystical sorcerer Christians like me.  In the build up for this weekends work, I did a larger than normal Cyprian working on Saturday, and finally busted open some very special Cyprian perfume sent to me by Marcus McCoy, the proprietor of House of Orpheus.  […]

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Judging Your Results Against Others

One of the great things about Strategic Sorcery is that we have a very large (over 400 people) and active community that, for the most part, conducts itself with composure and compassion and keeps its focus squarely on the work at hand. It is can be an awesome and inspiring thing to read about peoples success […]

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