
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Guest on Lessons in Joyful Living

I will be a guest on Lessons in Joyful Living this afternoon. Tune in to this interview today 1pm Eastern, 10am Pacific. You can log into Live Chat — or call in — 866-404-6519 to ask questions.…/lessonsinjoyfulliving/articles/6858

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The Golden Verses of Pythagoras

I am doing a preliminary outline of a possible workbook of Stoic exercises and meditations. In the course of doing so I was reminded of the Golden Verses of Pythagoras, which some believe influenced Stoicism. Possibly as old as 3BC ,I thought I might share it here. Despite its frequent connection to the Neoplatonists who […]

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Vajrakilaya Seminars with Vajranatha

I have known Vajranatha (John Reynolds) for 23 years and consider him to be my most important teacher both in Tantra and Magic in general. Everything I know about Tibetan Magic and Tantra I learned through him, even stuff I learned from other lamas took on new life when going over the material with his […]

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There are few in the field today that have both technical expertise and a genuine love of the spirits. A man who is as on-fire with the Holy Spirit as a tent-revival preacher, but who can make complex evocation instruction as clear as your ABC’s. Rufus Opus is that kind of Priest-Magician. For years he […]

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Andrieh’s Shapeshifting Course

Andireh’s Shapeshifting course has proven so popular that he is running another  cycle starting in December. Better yet, he has a special deal for readers of Strategic Sorcery: use the code STRATEGIC and get a $30 discount on the course! Go HERE to sign up. Honestly for the price he is charging it is a […]

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Voting for your Shepherd.

A while back I was having a political discussion with a friend who told me that he stopped voting. His reason was something that I have heard many times before: “They think we are sheep. I refuse to be a sheep voting for a shepherd. That is not freedom”.  This is a good way to get yourself […]

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Thank You

Just a note of thanks to everyone that signed up for the Strategic Sorcery Course and participated in the Global Hekate Rite. My inbox is filled with pics and recordings of people doing the Hallows of Hekate rite from all across the globe. The Strategic Sorcery Group is filling up with eager people ready to […]

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