
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Changing the Way I Talk About Levels Of Reality

A simple reply to a student this morning made me realize I have been talking about the Levels of Reality all wrong. From the start I have insisted that Agrippa goes wrong in the second sentence of Occult Philosophy. More subtle levels should not be thought of as “ruling” grosser levels. Nor should they be […]

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The Cheese Sandwich Rule

From now on, when you think about magic, I want you to think about Grilled Cheese. I was taught to make Grilled Cheese with butter on the outside of the bread, and American Cheese on the inside. Simple tasty and effective. Later in life, I realized that I can make a better grilled cheese by using […]

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Black School of Cyprian Starts Tomorrow

Black School of Cyprian Starts Tomorrow I have sent you the basic info on the course… I told you what it promises…  I have shared its origin… I even sent a zippy little poem that describes what we do…   So…  Do you wanna summon demons and the dead with Church stuff? Do you wanna summon […]

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An Event, A Class, And a Course…. All coming up fast

King Paimon is here to command your  attention for a moment. Now that I have it, let me bring your attention to three things coming up: The Event: LIVE Q&A ABOUT SPIRITS WEDNESDAY May 18th! My new book “Consorting With Spirits” ends with a Q&A chapter. Now that the book is out there, it’s your […]

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I Have Been Spell Bound!

Chaweon Koo was kind enough to send me a copy of her new book Spell Bound. I read it cover to cover over the last 22 hours and I am happy to report it earns a place on my “Awesome, must keep forever” shelf. Let’s start with the obvious thing that everyone is already saying: […]

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Throwing The Spirits Down the Stairs…

I had the great pleasure this week to spend three hours with an old friend talking about my new book, Consorting With Spirits. Well, we talked a little about the book at least, the rest of the time was spent gabbing about community, business tactics, general magic, and old times. Tiffany asked me why I have […]

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The always brilliant and insightful Yvonne Chireau read my post last week about “Was It A Spirit Or My Own Mind?” and asked the following: “Why not do what the Bible teaches and “test the spirits?” Or our great Africana traditions have plenty of divination tools for this very purpose. Or if science is your […]

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Was That A Spirit Or My Own Mind?

Sometimes when my students have an experience they want to know “Was That A Spirit Or My Own Mind?”. The answer is not usually that simple, in fact it gets more complicated the deeper you look, so lets peel back the layers one at a time: LAYER 1: PERCEPTION PROJECTION RATIO First layer is realizing […]

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Power Over Others.

“Power is not controlling other people. Power is controlling yourself. Trying to control others is the first sign that you are out of control.”  -Internet meme I saw this week.  “Power corrupts” often followed by “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  – Lord Acton. Maybe.  “Those who seek power are unfit to wield it.”  – misquote of plato […]

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