Last year was kind of an epic year for me and for Strategic Sorcery. I did not accomplish everything I set out to do, but I almost never do – such is the cost of setting your sites high. What I was able to accomplish includes: Quit the day-job and started doing Sorcery and writing […]
Continue readingOnly three days left to get the Strategic Sorcery Course at the New Years promo price of $100. Write me at for an information packet. Promo ends on 12/31/13. Hekate/Helios rite begins on 1/1/14!!!
Continue readingA few days ago someone I know lashed out in anger at anyone and everyone taking joy in Christmas when there is such suffering in Sudan at the moment. That reminded me of a few months ago when I posted the story about the half the city of San Francisco pretending to be Gotham City […]
Continue readingToday is Christmas Eve, one of my favorite days of the year. I have kids now of course, so the day will be filled with teaching them geography via the NORAD Santa Tracker, traipsing the munchkins around for visits to get sugared and gifted up, tearful goodbyes to our elf on the shelf, then finally […]
Continue reading*The Free Course mentioned below has been given. Then I gave away two more to match the gift. Thanks to everyone for good work and paying it forward. **Still Seven days left for the New Year Course Discount** Today I received a comment and a gift from a student that joined the course during last […]
Continue readingYule is a great holiday. On the one hand you have all the solar aspects: Sol Invictus, triumph of the Oak King over the Holly King, and a general building of anticipation as days progressively get longer and lighter from this point. On the other hand is the celebration of the Dark and shelter from […]
Continue readingI love a New Year. I don’t know if it is the hope of the holidays, fresh perspective of a new calendar, or simply the psychic buzz in the air from so many people looking to start fresh, but New Year has always been exciting for me. I always offer a sale on my course […]
Continue readingBack in my Thelemic Days it was driven home that Do What Thou Wilt did not mean do whatever you wanted. This point was made over and over again so strongly that a kind of dichotomy was set up with WILL on one side and WANT on the other. It was not just that they […]
Continue readingIt’s the end of the year, which always spurs nostalgia and self-reflection. People are posting their top 10 books ever, top 10 of the year, most influential or inspirational people etc. I am extremely gratified to see my books and name listed a few times on these lists. In particular, I loved that Financial Sorcery […]
Continue readingNew Years is upon us, and I would like to help you kick the new year off with a tremendous kick start. So, from now until Monday 12/30/13, I am offering the Strategic sorcery course for just $100. A fifty dollar discount off the normal price. In addition to the course itself you will be able to […]
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