ARE YOU IN NYC THIS SUNDAY? If so, come and see me at Gnostic NYC, where I will be talking about Financial Sorcery. If you are not in Manhattan this Sunday, you will be able to catch the whole thing on the Gnostic NYC YouTube Channel.
Continue readingOh boy. Your ears are in for a treat tonight. Gordon White will be on Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole At the exact same time that I am on Paranormal Palace This being the internet and all, I am sure you will make time to listen to one live and one recorded. Also, I am […]
Continue readingOK, so I was going to do my Crucible workshop on Extreme Financial Sorcery, but as I get that material together I realize that: 1. I don’t have enough time to get it together in the next month with everything else I have going on. 2. The EXTREME parts are all more or less on […]
Continue readingOnly 3 Free Books and Glyphs left! Sign up for the Strategic Sorcery Course and get yours! Write me at
Continue readingUGHHHH! Its that Crucible Convention again! Just One Month away. So Frustrating, I can barely take it. Why? Well, lets list: The lecture topics are all esoteric and advanced! Where is my introduction to the elements? I totally forgot how to draw those pentagrams. Where is my workshop on circle casting? I really don’t think […]
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Continue readingFALL SPECIAL The next 10 people to sign up for the STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE will also receive a FREE SIGNED COPY OF FINANCIAL SORCERY and a JUPITER GLYPH TALISMAN Please e-mail INOMINANDUM@GMAIL.COM with the words STRATEGIC SORCERY in the subject line. ***SEP 4 UPDATE: STILL 6 SLOTS LEFT*** I will update this post when the […]
Continue reading“I want you to be nice until its time not to be nice”. – Dalton, from the movie Roadhouse. Someone recently wrote me asking some questions about evocation and prefaced it with “I know you don’t approve of working with the spirits of the Goetia…”. I think perhaps because I listed the Goetia as one […]
Continue readingToday is Guru Rinpoche Day. All hail the Lotus Born! Though today is a special practice, I do a Padmasambhava practice any day. In fact every day, before I even get out of bed, the first words out of my mouth every day are the following: ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོ་རྒྱན་ཡུལ་གྱི་ནུབ་བྱང་མཚམས༔ hung orgyen yul gyi nubjang tsam Hūṃ! […]
Continue readingOver on his blog this week Frater Barrabbas made a good post about being a professional magician. He is kind enough to mention me as a good example of how it can work. He also mentions that he doesnt strive for going pro, and even if it was handed on a silver platter, he would […]
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