
Category Archives for "Uncategorized"


I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “I wish there was someplace that I could listen to Jason talk more Financial Sorcery. That would just make my morning complete!” Good News! Thelema Now! interviewed me for their latest podcast and it is now available for download on the OTO Grand Lodge Website!

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Behold the Mighty Coon Dong!

Client consented to let me put up an image of his Lust Necklace up on the blog. I think it came out pretty cool. I have had great success with these in the past (for clients – I am of course a happily married man).    

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Sam Webster’s New Blog and Old Book

I have never met Sam Webster in person. I know him through the Chthonic Auranian Temple, (formerly the Chthonic Auranian Ordo Templi Orientis), of which he is one of three founding Sovereigns. Many of you will already know him from his work with the Pagan and Magical community, and of course the Open Source Order […]

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Make Sure It Will Sell

In the last post I spoke about how to differentiate yourself in a tough market through story based marketing. The thing about stories though is that you need to make sure someone wants to hear it. Last weekend I got caught up with some friends watching a mini-marathon of Bar Rescue, including an episode about […]

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Weaving a Story in Business

“But Jason, you said opening and occult store was a BAD Idea.” Actually, I usually don’t say that. I usually something like “opening an occult store without an angle is a bad idea”.  And it is. You cant just hang a sign in a random town with a smattering of stuff for witches and magicians, […]

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“In the peaceful poise of intuitive bliss, violence will be gone, as we sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.” – Guru Arjan, Raag Gauree, 249 My heart and thoughts go out to Sikh’s everywhere in this time of tragedy. I am at a loss for words.

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Only two more days until the start of the next cycle of the STRATEGIC SORCERY COURSE. I got the following endorsement the other day from a student: “I have been practicing for years, but it was always something I did alongside everything else in my life. I never really looked to witchcraft as a way […]

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Your Thursday Financial Sorcery Tip:

On Thursdays we Gentlemen for Jupiter offer a blessing to one another: “To Your Blameless Heath, and Necessary Wealth” Those last two words are particularly appropriate when discussing wealth magic. We all have a concept of what we consider to be necessary wealth for ourselves – the amount of money we need to pay our […]

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