Chill Out on the Mercury Retro Madness!
“Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes! The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!“
The above quote is either the Ghostbusters talking about Gozer the Gozarian or someone on my facebook feed talking about the recent mercury retrograde. I cannot tell which anymore.
I had a pretty bad day the other day. Lots of communications breakdowns, that kind of thing. It happened to be the last day of the recent Mercury retrograde period, which prompted TWO friends of mine to harp on me for not putting a tremendous amount of stock into Mercury retrogrades and things like that.
Here is the thing. Yesterday was pretty awful as well. No Mercury Retro. Both days however had me experiencing less sleep than normal because of a project I am working on. My wife is also being treated with steroids for an ear problem. The combo of all that, with two toddlers and a recent hurricane tends to be a good recipe for at least a squabble or two, don’t you think?
Now, do I DISBELIEVE the effects of Mercury retro and other astrological events like this? No, I believe that they are an influence. At times they are a potent influence. They are however just an influence.
There is just one problem: the influence that Mercury retro has is being magnified in recent years.
How is it magified? It is magified by everyone being freaked the fuck out and paranoid by Mercury retrogrades. If my facebook feed is any indication, even non-magical people have gotten bit by the Mercury retro bug and blame EVERYTHING that goes wrong during one, on it. The amount of people who have no occult interest that were worried about the election being effected by Mercury retrograde was just astounding!
Oh yeah, what a fiasco that election was right? No? We had a clear winner by 11:30 and a concession by 1am? Oh, well never mind.
Anyway, in my estimation the amount of damage caused by the psychic influence is MUCH greater than the actual influence of the retrograde itself. Its similar to a company that has a problem: the influence of buzz and paranoia in the market is often way harsher on the share price than whatever the actual problem is.
So please, can we all just chill out when the next retrograde hits? Invoke Mercury, ask him to balance it out for you and get on with life. Trust me, you CAN accomplish things.