When you are born into a religion, it tends to have a certain power in your life. For some, this manifests in a negative way: power over the individual and possibly trauma from bad experiences. For them turning away and never looking back, or even adopting an antagonistic stance, is their way of recapturing power,
For others of us, when we free ourselves from chains of dogma and institution, the religion of our birth becomes a source of incredible power, meaning, and comfort. My own experiences with Christianity have largely been positive and so it has from the start been a major facet of my magic.
Here then is a small collection of teachings I have given that are connected to Christianity.
Christian Magic
Saints, Angels, Demons, The Devil. I will lay out why Christianity is important in magic, and how I use it in magical and contemplative practice, two streams of Christian thought that are rarely approached side by side.
Exorcism: The Sorcerer’s Flail
Not all spirits you will encounter are ones that you sought out. Not all spirits you seek out will be as friendly as you thought. Not all spirits will go away when you tell them to: EXORCISM IS WHAT YOU DO WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.
The chapter on Exorcism in Protection and Reversal Magic does not actually contain a ritual for exorcism. It is there basically to say “this is the next level of escalation, but you should not attempt this from a book”. Why the reluctance? Because even more than cursing, it’s dangerous and easily abused. Yet, it’s a foundational practice for a lot of magic, and a last resort when things push back against us.
Sorcery of the Psalms
Some believe that they need to be pure in order to be heard by the divine, leaving all shameful thoughts, attachments, and emotions at the door of the temple. This is true of some kind of religious observance, but not the of the Psalms. The Psalms make no attempt to silence or sanctify our desires. The Psalms openly embrace the attainment of wealth, the desire for revenge, outrage at the state of the world, and even anger against God.
The Psalms are a testament to the unbreakable bridge between heaven and earth, spirit and matter, and how the highest powers can be called upon for the lowest needs. This is the reason that all over the world, in varied traditions, the Psalms have played a key role in Sorcery and Witchcraft.
In this zoom class Jason will teach on how he has used the Psalms in magic throughout his life and instruct students in several spells both traditional and newly devised.
The Magic of Mary
Probably the least Arcane of all the Arcane Audios but one from the heart. No super secret practices or anything. Just a Sorcerer’s introduction to the many titles and forms of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and stories of how her influence played out in my life.
If you enjoy these, you might like other classes like this in the Arcane Audio Archive.
The Black School of Saint Cyprian
A Five month course focused on St Cyprian The Sorcerer Saint and his system of Christian Sorcery. Registration isn’t open at the moment, but the next cycle starts in JUNE 2025.
Blog Posts
The following articles will of interest to anyone exploring Magic and Christianity.