A few posts back I was talking about classifications of opposers and how we can actually use wrathful magic against ourselves to keep us to a disciplined plan, or to overcome a nagging habit. I spoke more about self-cursing on Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole last night. While many people will not describe this in terms of cursing, that is exactly what it amounts to, especially if you bind yourself to a program and then break your vow. It is a trick I picked up from Lobsang Samten when he taught me how to do Kilaya.
Anyway the inimical Ocean Delano wrote about his recent experience aiming the Mercury of Saturn call from ADVANCED PLANETARY MAGIC squarely at his own inner critic, which often holds him back from manifesting his inner awesomeness to his fullest. I can assure you that he is awesome indeed, and proved by taking the “To Dare” part of the pyramid and saying “Challenge Accepted”.
He took a curse aimed at disrupting communication between enemies, pointed it at his own head, and pulled the trigger. Go to his blog and read how it turned out.