DELIVERENCE – by Khi Armand

I am strapping on my platform shoes with the goldfish in them because for the rest of this week I am going to be pimping other peoples stuff. First up is….


One of the things I have said, that then gets taken out of context and spread like wildfire, is that emergency magic is bad magic. The bulk of my work has been about living strategically and employing magic to build a life where most emergencies are minimized or easily handled. That said, emergencies do happen, even to me. When they do it can feel as if the world is set against you: loved ones turn their backs, your freedom threatened, even your own body betraying you with disease and damage. At these times we often throw our hands in the air and ask for deliverance, which is what Khi Armand has given us the tools for in his new book.

Much like short hoodoo pamphlets of the 70’s and 80’s and before this book is chock full of spells for sticky situations. Unlike many of those books, Khi manages to work in necessary history for context, pithy training in the essentials of magic, and spells that attack the same problems from multiple angles – which you know I love.

For example if faced with a court case, this book has spells to confuse your opposing attorney, shut up key opponents, and sweeten the court in your favor – all at the same time. Perfect Strategic Sorcery approach.

The spells are simple enough to be worked by non-magicians, perhaps people who have no place left to turn except their first spell. They are also deep enough to by enjoyed and employed by experienced mages. The act of baptizing a link, or unlocking the occult potential of a root, and of naming and declaring how it all works together is something quite cosmic. Rather than making offerings to a spirit to do the work for you, these spells have you flexing your own magic muscles, because you are a spirit as well.

It is fitting that this book be published by a church, what better place to grant this amazing tool for intercession?

Deliverance Delivered.

Grab your copy of the book.

Then head over to Conjure in the City and see the rest of what Khi Armand has to offer.

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Stone Dog

“Rather than making offerings to a spirit to do the work for you, these spells have you flexing your own magic muscles, because you are a spirit as well.”

Even just that makes me want to read it. We need more of that. I certainly do.


Nice post


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