Arcane Audio 18: The Devil’s Sorcery

The devil has played a role in my spirituality from the very beginning.  Though I am no Satanist, he appeared again and again in different forms throughout my life as a hand that occasionally reaches into my life, points a certain direction, and whispers “this way to freedom”.

In this Arcane Audio I will teach my practice for establishing contact and contract with Satan/Lucifer/The Devil., a topic I have shied away from in the past. I will detail the Devil as he has revealed himself to me, a vision that is currently not represented by any branch of Satanism or Luciferianism that I know of.

• What the devil taught me when I was 15, when I was 30, and just this year.

• A system of calls and invocations.

• The power of constructive Blasphemy

• A view of the Devil different than Satanists or Christians

• 72 Demons of the Ars Goetia from a different perspective.

• Not just how but WHY one would choose to work with demons and the Devil.