
A couple weeks ago I had a dream involving a black Gator, and I thought “maybe I should make more of the Gator Hand Mojo Bags…. nah they are a pain in the ass to make. Powerful though…”

Then last weekend I took the kids to the zoo and got stared down by a Gator. He was looking away from the window, but when I walked up he turned around and stared at me as if to say “Motherfucker, I told you to do something…

Then last Sunday I got a request to list all the items and services I had that would be good for businesses. I provided it, but he wrote back and said “well those are good, but I was really attracted by the post about the Black Series of Gator Hands….”

The Omens were  pretty clear.

So after placing a few orders I have a pile of Gator Claws, Black Bags, and assorted herbs and items ready to be made into one of the most requested items I have ever made.

These bags are  special conjure bags that are in the grip of gator claws. I offered them two years ago and they have helped a lot of people draw money, obtain employment, get promoted, start businesses, and claw their way out of trouble. In fact they are the perfect conjure hand for the fiscal apocalypse or to deploy in those times of emergency and strife. I have made green and red ones for long term, and fast action work many times before, but these Black Hands can only be made when certain omens appear.

These are not evil, but they are wrathful. They will work for you no matter what. They will kick ass and take names, and not let anyone or anything stand in the way of your success.

I only have 35 left for sale, so if you want one please let me know as soon as you can.


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Are these for money only? That is can u use them in other troubled situations not involving money?



Your timing is impeccable.

Kate Macdonald

I just sent money, I want one! Details via PayPal.

Lori H.

“Motherfucker, I told you to do something!” Lol! Just sent in an order for my sister, Lisa.

S. A. Smith

I got one of these the last time they were available. It took a little bit to work but once it did…yowza.

Bro Tip:
If you have an altar to Santa Marta la Dominadora, she LOVES this thing. Like, I put it on her altar and the only “peep” I have heard from her is, “Please explain to me again why you don’t smack your enemies down much more again? Also, I would like to know why you don’t ask me to help you smack down your enemies. “

    Stone Dog

    Very interesting.
    Can you elaborate on your application and results? I am getting one of these myself and while I have a few ideas, I would love to hear how others have already put it to use, the results they got, what they have learned, how best to combine it with other tools/techniques, spirits etc.
    Thanks for sharing!

      S. A. Smith

      Ok, when I originally got the hand I was a contractor with a Very Large Company making some good but not fantastic money.

      When I got the hand I put it directly on my altar for Santa Marta and asked for two things.

      1. I would like a permanent job with lots of “slack” making 100k a year.
      2. I would like her not to hurt too many people in the process and not to make anyone crazy or tortured or anything(my wording was way more precise but you get the idea).

      The first thing that happened on the job front was that I lost my job as a contractor because they ran out of money. About a week before that I won $5,000 via scratch off lotto. Instead of using all of that money on stuff I used it for a very expensive certification in my field, a really quite creepy hotel room(the class was in Washington DC), and to make a New Orleans vacation that was already planned a little more awesome.

      A little bit of time passed and I got a call back from some people that I used to work with in my old job. They realized that they desperately needed someone with my EXACT skill set, including the certification I just got.

      I wasn’t able to make ALL the money I wanted(I was looking for 100k) but I got enough that I can save money and do stuff(I now make 80.5k) and most importantly the environment here is AWESOME. I could easily see being here for the rest of my career. I have enough time off that I can do retreats and vacations, it is well within my skill window, and is overall an awesome thing.

      And, as per my request, nobody got super bad hurt(yeah, I was miserable for a month or two but when working with Santa Marta that is definitely super mild).

      And that’s where we are now. As a follow up whenever I pass the deep dark place where I have the Santa Marta altar she always asks why I’m not asking her for more things as she feels she very much got the better end of the deal. I then put a little extra offering, say it’s ok, and to please not hurt anyone.

      S. A. Smith

      Oh, and by the way, a few notes.

      If you have a spirit that is already SUPER dangerous, this could VERY easily make them SUPER SUPER dangerous unless you are VERY careful about phrasing.

      I made sure to be super careful with my phrasing with Santa Marta but because she is one of the more dangerous lwa in the 21 Divisiones to work with, I still got a good rap to the knuckles. If you get a similar reaction take that as a sign that you did it right because nobody died.

      If you have a spirit that is pretty benign, this could make them dangerous if you aren’t careful.

      Bro Tip: In case I haven’t made it abundantly clear, I would not suggest that you use the black hand with Santa Marta unless you have lots of experience working with her and even then think long and hard about it. I only chose her because nobody else in my network wanted anything to do with the black hand(she’s the only scary spirit I work with).

      Stone Dog

      Well done brother! Kudos to you AND your matron. And Jason is the man, but we knew that already 🙂

      Thank you very much for your story. So no macroenchantment and microenchantments, no intermediary steps towards the end goal, you just flat-out asked for the desired end goal and got it. Fascinating. I guess even that’s possible when working with earthy, wrathful, fast-working spirits.

      I don’t currently work with any spirits that are SUPER dangerous “by default”. I reckon Hekate would very much welcome the opportunity to work with the black hand, and though she certainly CAN be very dangerous on your behalf, I find she is motherly protective towards me (and how blessed I feel for that).
      I find it interesting that the black hand would make even BENIGN spirits dangerous. I’ve been working with spirits for a couple of years now, but I’ve never had a chance to use a mojo bag/hand. Why would a benign spirit turn dangerous just because you give him/her a wrathful talisman to work with, in your opinion? Is it just because the hand works as a tinted lens, since it gives the spirit a more grounded instrument to manifest its influence, or is there something more to it?

      Anyway, the first thing I’d try would be to wield the hand myself, to charge it with my will and focus its power on a given target/goal through a ritual. The second would be giving it as an additional weapon to a servitor to complete a mission. Ever tried that?

        S. A. Smith

        Well, re; the hand turning a benign spirit mean it is similar to the Minotaur.

        In essence, a minotaur is a bull. For the most part bulls can be a little angry but if you are wandering around in a field and see one as long as you give it a rather wide berth it won’t be at all upset. Like other bovines it will just sit there, eat its grass and be ok.

        On the other hand, if you were to feed it human flesh and put it in some dark maze..it would most likely get pretty upset.

        Same thing with the financial hand.

        And re; wielding the hand oneself. About that.

        I tried to use it by picking it up. The thing is that when most people have to focus to do magic, I have to focus to stop doing it. It’s a strange trait gotten from spending a very long time when I was very young doing magic type stuff.

        So in the case of the hand when I picked it up I felt what it was, how it worked, and how it interfaced with my system. It became immediately clear that this was not my tool to use. At all. So I felt around a bit and realized whose tool it was. Fin.

          Stone Dog

          I see. That leaves me wondering what I will fell when picking up the hand. Anything reptilian usually has a good resonance, but we’ll see.

          Not sure about the Minotaur metaphor; are you saying that a talisman/tool created by man for a limited and specific purpose could act like a “dark maze” on the likes of Hermes or Ganesha? I would see it as a channel for their help to manifest, one that grounds and amplifies their influence and at the same time gives it a wrathful/dark slant. I really look forward to try the hand.

          S. A. Smith

          Well, kinda.

          It wouldn’t act like a “dark maze” for, say Ganesha, in the sense that some guy in the Punjab would wake up one morning to do his daily Ganesha puja and find himself staring down a crazed angry monster.

          However, in the sense that all entities have a wrathful aspect, if someone is using a wrathful offering for said deity they might get the wrathful aspect(and make no mistake, Hermes and Ganesha most DEFINITELY have wrathful aspects, albeit ones that don’t come out all that often at all).

          Long story short, a wrathful offering won’t turn the whole deity dark(that would require something truly enormous, like a thousand year working or something), but it most likely will turn the very small and particular aspect you are working with dark.

          The good news is that you can still do quite well with it if you are super careful. Be precise about what you want, make sure to add a caveat about not wreaking horrible amounts of havoc, and it will work out fine.

          Stone Dog

          Thank you for clarifying. I am aware that many gods – probably most of them in fact – have wrathful, dark aspects, and said aspects will of course manifest when you call those gods with dark rituals, offerings, possibly during certain astrological events. In my view, it’s not so different from what happens with humans. One can be a mostly calm, reasonable and benevolent person, and yet turn aggressively violent under particular circumstances.

          What you are saying goes a bit further though. What you’re saying is basically, if you give Hermes a wrathful talisman to work with, Hermes will “attune” himself to the talisman and manifest a wrathful aspect. Right? It is a bit like saying, give an assault rifle to Jack Sparrow, and he will get into the mood/mindset of a Blackbeard, and act accordingly. Is that what happens in your experience?

          S. A. Smith

          Not exactly. What I’m saying is that working with any spirit is a combination of several factors. In some cases it is just you and the spirit. In that case there are two variables that can affect the interaction to determine how it plays out.

          When you give an offering that adds another variable. You aren’t changing the nature of yourself or the deity, but you are changing the nature of the interaction.

          It’s like cooking. If you add garlic to a pasta dish it doesn’t change the essential nature of the pasta or the tomato sauce. However, the dish will now most likely have a rather potent garlic flavor.

          In the same way if you add a very wrathful offering to an interaction with a spirit and a person you will get a rather potent wrathful flavor for that interaction.

          Now, in the same way that if 90% of what you are cooking in your kitchen has garlic in it your kitchen will start to smell like garlic if you only give wrathful offerings the personal bit of the spirit you are interacting with will over time seem to be more wrathful.

          You aren’t really changing, the spirit isn’t really changing. The relationship between the two is what is changing due to the offering.

          Make sense?

          Stone Dog

          It does make sense.
          I find the cooking metaphor much more appropriate than the dark maze thing.
          However, I’m not entirely convinced you could call the hand an “ingredient” here. I don’t see it as part of the relationship between you and the spirit strictly speaking, at any rate much less than an offering.

          Maybe it’s a bit more like the flame under the pan. A benevolent talisman/tool would be the low flame that gives a gentle, slow simmer; the black gator hand would be more like an intense flame or even briefly setting the dish itself on fire like they do in some recipes. You are the same, the spirit is the same, the end goals are the same, but the energy that is pushing the odds in the working is much more intense. Results are faster and the dish is going to have a stronger taste, but you will have to watch it closely and be a lot more careful.


I hate to ask, but were these hands purchased from a seller who procured them humanely? I guess I just wonder how they died, how much they suffered, and to what extent that would reflect in the actual spell they’re used for if at all.


    Probably not. They were aquired from a wholesaler that supplies most of the charms and stuff for sellers in New Orleans. I have no info on the exact nature of how they were done, but I am pretty sure it would be as humane or moreso than the meat you get at the market.

Tomas Benadik

How much for shipping to Europe, please?

Rodrigo Gandara

The payment on Paypal for this article has already been done 1 week ago. I’m still waiting for a reply with instructions on what has to proceed.


    I have your payment. The consecration happens on Walpurgisnacht (May Eve), and they will get sent out in the days after that.


I apologize if this is a bit noobie of me to ask, but I was thinking of getting this for improving my business which has been down since Saturn turned retrograde. I currently work with Archangel Michael, Isis, Thoth, and Jupiter on my alter (although I did try some workings with Saint Marta, she did not particularly enjoy my company), how would I go about using this in my daily/monthly rituals? Do it lay it down as an tool/offering to the deity of choice, and ask them to use it (within the strict confines of instruction) for aid in prosperity? Also for those who have these already, do they require “feeding” going forward for recharging?

    Stone Dog

    I’m a newbie myself, and this will be the very first conjure hand I try, but here’s my two cents.

    First of all, I wouldn’t use such a powerful wrathful talisman regularly, as even sporadic use most likely comes at a price. I’d use it just for focused and intense workings in the context of a clear strategy. Such as taking down a competitor that is leeching your market, or collecting a credit that is long overdue.

    A few ways to use the hand I can think of:

    1. Put the appropriate links in the grasp of the claw, then state your intent, give the hand it’s mission, then push your energy and willpower through it using the methods from the course, 15 min a day until the work is done. I would use the Serpent’s Chant from PRM for this.

    2. If you have a servitor capable of wielding such a wrathful tool, give him the mission with very clear instructions minimizing collateral damage, supercharge him with his favorite offerings, and watch him closely.

    3. If you are going through a tough period in general, maybe place the hand on your wealth altar with a petition. I would use a bullet-point list with my major concerns and the request to solve the problems without wreaking havoc in your or your loved ones’ lives. Light an appropriately anointed candle for the hand daily until the goal is met, then thank it with a richer offering at the end of the working.

    Carry the hand in you pocket whenever you might use some extra help, but keep in mind that its influence may intensify conflicts.

    4. If you are looking for the right IDEAS, try to analyze or even meditate on your problem while holding the hand.

    5. If you work with spirits that may be inclined to work with a wrathful wealth talisman, you can of course ask them if they would work with it in a given working, or for a certain period.
    In any case, I would ask the deity if they are ok with using the hand BEFORE you present it to them as a tool. If the spirit doesn’t resonate with the hand, it may very well backfire.
    If your communication is already more advanced, you can ask THEM to instruct you on the best way to put the hand to use in your situation.

    Among the spirits you mention, I think the most earthy aspects of Jupiter would be the most likely candidates.

    If you have a good working relationship with your ancestors, you might want to ask them first, especially if some of them were cops, soldiers, or were in any way accustomed to violent action.

    As I understand it, the hand is not just quick in a mercurial sense, it is aggressive, caustic and uncompromising. I wouldn’t use it unless I was ready to see some heads roll. Are you?

    I don’t know the details of your situation, but since you have a relationship with Thoth, why not just ask HIM what kind of magic endeavor would bring the best solution to your problem?

    “Do they require “feeding” going forward for recharging?”

    Well that’s a question for Master Miller. Jason, do these particular hands require regular feeding? How? Do they come with instructions? Thanks!

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