I just finished reviewing and making last minute changes to Financial Sorcery. I am prouder of this book than anything I have ever written. The full over is above. Very cool, if I do say so myself.
At the beginning of the year I changed the Logo of this blog and announced that I would be focusing largely on Financial Sorcery related posts. The time has come to do that. Over the next week or so I will be posting the last of the Post Chaos posts, and a finishing up a few other random thoughts about the HGA, Buddhist Magic, etc. and talking more about magic and the economy and how it related to Strategic Sorcery.
The other good news is that some time will actually be freeing up for me to work! In the last few months I have only been able to write/edit/do Sorcery during the hours of 9pm and Midnight, along with small things that I have been able to slip in throughout the day. This will help get Strategic Self lessons back on track, and give me the time to do everything else I need to do. Maybe even spell check the posts I make here on the blog