Financial Sorcery Glyph Report

As I mentioned previously, the new book has a series of 16 Lightning Glyphs that can be used in Financial Spellwork. I tested many of them as the book went to print, and friends of mine tested others. One that I never got round to testing was the Glyph  for reversing bad luck…. Until this week.

From the book:


In every disaster there is opportunity. In every misfortune, there is a fortune to be made. This Glyph does not just help make the most out of a bad situation, it flips that situation around and spanks its bottom!

Lost your House? Time to blow through your debt while you live at your parents rent free!
Stock Market crash? Thats just a sale on investments!
Job Crisis? Time to start a business that writes resumes!
Foreclosuse Crisis? Someone has to serve papers and care for the properties.

It is not always pretty, but this sigil will help you find the opportunity that you have been missing, amidst the disaster that just happened. 

And now the report…

I had a crappy cell phone. It was my first smart phone, I got it because it was the free one last July not really realizing how much I would love having a smart phone, and hate having a crappy one with no memory or speed.

I lost it about three weeks ago. I called to invoke the insurance and was told that it was a $100 deductable. In other words, I would now be paying $100 for a phone that I hated.

I hung up and went to a verizon store and asked about early upgrades. They said “No Way! You are not even a year into your two year contract. 

I went to another one and another one after that and they said the same thing. They told me to get a new line for $10 a month and put a new phone on that. I went to an independent Verizon Store and called the main helpline. Same deal.

I was getting frustrated and decided to take my Glyph for a spin. I drew the sigil out in my custom Power Powder*, and placed a phone base on top of that. I conjured Jupiter and the Four associated Goddesses**, and visualized the sigil spinning in my throat, giving off sparks***.

I then mentally prepared myself to escalate up supervisors, and talk to someone in customer retention, threatening to switch carriers if need be.

I called Verizon help and asked to speak to a supervisor because I was sure that a regular rep could not help me. She asked to try anyway, and I told her that I was not happy to pay $100 for a crappy phone – even though I lost it – and that if I had to fork over a Benjamin I wanted a new phone.

She told me to hold a minute. Two minutes later she presented me with a list of 4g Phones that they would upgrade me to. I chose the Motorolla Bionic. She then informed me that rather than the $100 that the Bionic normally cost with an upgrade, it was on special for $50 and that I would also get a $50 rebate, making it FREE.

No hassle. No supervisor. No argument.

SO….Two things I want you to take away from this.

1. Don’t be afraid to use magic to support your efforts, even for stuff that might seem trivial.

2. Never forget that you have the ability to negotiate for more things than most people realize. Salary, phone price, credit card interest rates, late fees, etc. Learn to negotiate.

Also, you all need to tell me what your favorite apps are now that I have a phone that will run them.


* The Power Powder is a combination of sawdust from lightning struck wood, quartz sand from a Ley Line nexus in the NJ Pine Barrens, and Chamomile Flowers. This is in turn all charged up at the Nexus Point. It gets the job done every time. I don’t usually advertize it because it is a PIA to make, but I would probably sell it some for $100 a vial.

** They are listed in the book.

***In the fashion of how some Tibetan magic works. For instance, when lamas throw rice as a blessing, often that rice is mentally linked to the sparks and rays that emanate off mantra chains visualized in the chakras.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 8 comments
James Broach

Is there a substitute for power powder that we can use? I am assuming yes on this one.

Fanny Fae

I am a new reader /subscriber to your blog. I am looking forward to your new Financial Sorcery book. My question for you is will it be simultaneously available in eBook format as well as a print version?

Alexandr Arroyo


Mr. J what was the longest spell you ever did in your life?



So, this may be a silly question as I’m sure you’ll keep your fans in the loop, but pre-ordering?

Osiris Ettu Bondi

Can the Financial Sorcery Glyph be use as Ring or Locket?

Kevin Scarborough

So, did you do a divination before hand? It seems a silly question, but you state, “1. Don’t be afraid to use magic to support your efforts, even for stuff that might seem trivial.”
I ask because there seems to be a lot of hubbub in magical books and lessons about doing divinations before doing any sort of magic, especially concerning practical magic, that is beneficial to the magician. There is the scare of “Grey Magick” as Kraig calls it, or “messing with the plan” (i.e. God’s plan or the divine plan for one’s life and how it is supposed to go) as I was told by one magician. I realize that it may seem like cheating to use magick, but if we assume magic is our birthright and completely natural then is it really cheating or just taking advantage of what life has to offer? And does that mean it has to be “divined” first in every case. I understand certain circumstances dictate a divination, but in every case? What are your thoughts on this?


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