Help Me Spread the Word

It is time to get phase 2 of my business charging forward in a big way. To do it, I need your help.

I created a new facebook authors page for myself. Going forward this is where I will post almost everything related to Strategic Sorcery, Magic, Self-Development, and Spirituality on Facebook. That will save my personal page for daily insights, Smith’s covers, and the like.


So the first thing I ask is that if you are on Facebook you head over here and “Like” me.


Did you do it? Thanks!


The next favor I am going to ask is that, if you are cool with it, you invite people on your friends list to like my page.

There is an easy way to do this.

  1. Just go to my page, and hit the “Invite Friends” link .
  2. Change it from “Recent Interactions” to “Search All”.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list. The list will keep populating as you scroll down but you will eventually get there.
  4. Once at the bottom go to your URL bar and paste in the following:javascript:var x=document.getElementsByTagName(“input”);for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++) {if (x[i].type == ‘checkbox’) {x[i].click();}}; alert(‘Script of Destiny activated!’);

    * Please note, most browsers will not allow you to paste the first bit: “javascript:” into your address bar, so make sure you add it manually, otherwise the script will not work*

  5.  Hit Enter.
  6. Submit.

That’s it.

If you don’t want to do it, or consider it spam, or think it will weird out your friends, or if you in any way feel bad about doing this:  than by all means DO NOT DO IT!

If however you like what you see here, think people you know will like it too, help me out and spread the word. The whole process takes less than a minute.

Thank you for your help.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 8 comments
Jesse Dollar

Out of curiosity, what will the script do? Will it simply invite all friends, give them a pop-up, or something else?


It just selects all your friends and saves you from doing it manually.

Kate Macdonald

I feel dopey, because I cannot find the “invite friends” link.


    It is actually just an Invite Button that should be on the righyt hand side of my wall underneath my likes and photos.

    You are not dopey, you are a prophet! Evangelize the word of Strategic Sorcery!

    ok, maybe not a prophet, but definitely a big help. I am new to this kind of marketing as well, so thank you for your time and effort.

      Kate Macdonald

      Got it.

      I had to disable Social Fixer to make it go, which is mostly good news, because mostly SF keeps much of the icky bits of FB from being too irritating. And, once I made it go, I put SF back, so it’s all good.

      Not to highjack your post, but I’m bothered because I went through my FB friends and realized how few of them I felt ‘safe’ enough with to just send them a FB link about something I’m interested in. Sigh.


        Not Hijacking at all!

        I know what you mean, and as I mentioned I don’t want anyone who had misgivings to do it. Thank you for doing it though, I hope that your friend list enjoys it.

        So what exactly does Social Fixer do?

          Kate Macdonald

          Well, I do want to help, so I went through to pick and choose who to invite. Some day, sooner than I think, I’ll get over my damn fears and take your class!

          Social Fixer fixes Facebook! http://www.socialfixer.com

          Everytime FB changes something, many, many people whinge about it. This guy decided to do something about it. It has the capacity to tweak FB in lots of different ways, that are all user controlled. I like it quite a bit. It’s just this one guy, it’s free, and he does have a donate button. My kind of product! However, it had successfully hidden the “invite your friends” button from me.

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