Just for a limited time, I will again be entertaining questions via Formspring.
Just go to http://www.formspring.me/inominandum and ask me anything.

A question that I just answered:

Kilaya is all about overcoming obstacles, including obstacles to your wealth. There are lots of ways to work this.

1. Dedicate the Root, hridaya, and Razor mantra to overcoming an obstacle to your wealth. This is AMAZINGLY effective.

2. Make a Linga that specifically represents demons that are connected to your wealth,, and deal with them in the part of the Ganachakra where the Linga is bound and “liberated”.

3. In the mandala there are Supreme sons that are connected with all the Buddha rfamilies. Each has their own mantras. Use the mantras connected with the Ratna Family.

4. There are certain Kilaya Dharmapalas that are great for helping build wealth, Some of the Tenma sisters for instance…

Just make sure that you get the Lung for the mantras if you are going to use them,


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