Jupiterian Immortality
In the beginning was just Chaos and Darkness. Gaia, the earth emerged from the dark and her presence gave birth to Uranus: the sky. That was it at the beginning: Earth and Sky. Sure there were other powers like Eros (love), Nyx (Night) and so on, but the things that existed were eternal and did not change nor end. They simply existed.
To maintain this stasis Uranus devoured his children, the Titans. Gaia could not abide having her children eaten so she plotted against her husband and armed one of the Titans, Cronus, with a scythe. Together they ambushed Uranus, castrated him, and took things over.
Cronus of course is time. It’s where we get words like “chronological” from. The introduction of Time is also the introduction of death. Things no longer simply exist. Now they begin, grow, age, and end. Time is now set in motion…
Cronus was as harsh and strict as time itself, and ruled thusly. Uranus and Gaia had prophesied that, like his father, he would eventually be overthrown by one of his children, so like his father, he started devouring his own children.
Rhea, the wife of Cronus, followed in Gaia’s footsteps and tricked Cronos, into saving her child Zeus, or as he is known in Rome: Jupiter. As prophesied, Zeus eventually overcame Cronus, and became a new god of the Sky.
But time and death cannot be dispatched so easily. Things cannot simply return to a state of unchanging stasis. Yet for Jupiter to triumph over Saturn there should be a triumph of life over death in some manner. Shouldn’t there?
This is where the mystery comes in.
The immortality of Jupiter is a well-lived life. Yes, we will still die, but we will make such use of the time that we have, that our impact will be felt long after we are gone. Others will marvel at what we are able to accomplish in such a short time.
Our longevity will be expressed in meaning rather than days and years.
Indeed, those who lead lives full and impactful enough can be said to leave behind a legend that is truly immortal.
This is what Jupiter: The Sorcery of Achievement hope to help you achieve.
Class starts on the 15th of February. Click through to the details….