LEVEL UP! Advancing The Art of Magic

Want to dig into the mechanics of magic itself?
Want to go deeper than the material/spiritual dichotomy?
Want to explore magic beyond tradition, using nothing but reality itself as the frame?
Level Up! simultaneously explores the fringes of magic while explaining the foundations of how it works.
The name for the course comes from the concept of the various levels of reality A lot of people think in terms of physical vs spiritual. In The Sorcerers Secrets I used a three level system of Physical, Astral, and Empyrian. In this course we get down into more details with a 7 level system:: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Symbol-Space, Informational, Causal and Ultimate.
The program is structured so that you get a lesson that focuses deeply on one practice that gives access to that “level”, followed by a broader lesson on how to work that level in all manner of psychic and sorcerous applications.
Unlike other courses there are no cycles. You can start this course today.
Every week you get an audio lesson along with associated PDF’s of the excercises.
The lesson list runs like this:
1. Self in Extension – Extended in time, spirit, probability, ancestry, incarnation: how to use offerings to connect with all of it.
2. Purification – The preliminaries to working on the different planes.
3. Advanced Etheric Anatomy – The level between the physical and astral, and how to use it for magic.
4. Inner Fire – Sublimation by Fire – The BEST way I know to access Astral awareness
5. Mantra Tech – Everything you want to know about mantras as Sorcery
6. Advanced Astral Mechanics – Dubbed by previous students as “The Minecraft” lesson.
7. The Body and the Palace – Joy and Fierce bodies from Strategic Sorcery, vastly expanded as an example of what is possible at this level.
8. Psychonoetic Mechanics – Introduction and access to the level between Astral and Mental.
9. Sorcery of Symbol Space – How to operate Sorcery on the Psychonoetic Level.
10. Transvocation – Beyond Evocation and Invocation.
11. Mental Magic – Information Level Sorcery
12. Fullness, Emptiness, and Causality – Described by one student as “The Crazy Mystic Shit Lesson.”
13. The Next Level – Wraps it all up on context.
What Students Say:
” The course is a real triumph of occult education, filling in the missing pieces no one bothers to talk about in books, and revealing pieces I didn’t even know were there, even after decades of study and travel. I wish this had been around back when I was first stumbling in the dark trying to piece together the secrets of what lies beyond “adepthood.””
-Bill Nemo Trumpler
“I loved this course, like I said in a comment very long ago, this is the kind of course that you’ll keep revisiting and reviewing over the years, it will grow with you as you grow with it. I didn’t find it weird at all, more like it fills a niche that’s sorely needed in magical teaching.”
– Charme Chen
“It really was one of my favorite courses and has definitely influenced my day to day practices. I took it before Hekate and Phurba and it layed a foundation to really understand how to work those systems.”
– Chris Koepsell
Just click one of these options to sign up. The Course is $400, which you can pay up front or by subscription.
You can either pay all $400 up front
Or you can subscribe to pay $100 a month for four months.
So, come on board and Level Up your magic.
Jason Miller
AA5: Sorcery of Saturn
Saturn: The Big Bad Ass of the planetary powers. Some magicians fear Saturn so much that they leave it out of their work all together, but the truth is that Saturn is necessary and good – you just need to know how to handle it.
AA 6: Solar Sorcery
The Sun is the central axis of the planetary scheme. It is the light giver to all the other planets both physically and mystically, yet is often underused in practical magic. When people want love they go to Venus, when they want wealth they go to Jupiter, when they want to defeat enemies they go […]
AA 7: Martial Mastery
Mars is of course the planet of war, and in a life filled with “first-world problems” and relative safety and security it might seem that the Red Rays of Martial Magic have little offer us outside of rare and extreme situations. This would be incorrect. Almost any problem can be thought of as a martial one. […]
AA 8: Sorcery of the Elements:
Air, Water, Fire, Earth, these four elements with a fifth underlying element that variously can be thought of as space, spirit, or consciousness make up the basis of reality. For the Strategic Sorcerer these are not simply a matter of sub-lunar spirits that are less than the planets, but of an underpinning reality at all levels of […]
AA9: Christian Magic
Saints, Angels, Demons, The Devil. I will lay out why Christianity is important in magic, and how I use it in magical and contemplative practice, two streams of Christian thought that are rarely approached side by side.
AA10: 21 Keys of Spellcraft
There are tons of spells out there, but It took me a long time to realize how to get them to work well. I don’t mean just getting a result – I mean getting a result that MATTERS. A result that will impact your life or the lives of those you work for. If you […]