Living Glyphs

If you have read my books you are already familiar with the Strategic Sorcery Planetary Seals. These were the result of me acting as conjurer and my oldest friend Matthew Brownlee acting as seer/artist rending a living sigil that captures the multi-dimensional movement of force in a 2 dimensional seal. We did it again with the Lightning Glyphs of Jupiter – living sigils that have now aided the success of hundreds of people worldwide.

Now we are ready to do the same thing for you.

How It Works

You send me an a request detailing the Sorcery you need accomplished. I will conjure, while Matthew enters a trance and renders the glyph.

You will receive:

  1. The original sigil from Matthew Brownlee, on handmade talismanic paper, which can be used as a Master Talisman.
  2. A digital image of the sigil fit for graphic design.
  3. A full description of the movement of the sigil from me, as well as suggestions for its future use.
  4. The rights to the sigil so that you can incorporate it into a logo, art, jewelry, or whatever you choose. 

How To Order

Send us an e-mail at with your request. It should be something strategic and longish term. Think less about making a fast buck this month, or charming the cute girl/guy at Starbucks and more about:

  • Success of a new business venture
  • Finding a mate and building a relationship
  • Giving a boost to your career path
  • Transforming yourself into the healthy, successful, wise, romantic person you know you can be.

Anything is possible. Send your desires along in the e-mail and the money along in paypal, and we will start the work. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

Click below to order.

Living Glyphs $331