MEGA, Not Meta

MEGA not Meta
“Jason, How do handle multiple practices from different traditions? Do you paradigm shift and cultivate different belief structures for the work at hand?”
No. I simply assume that none of those practices are flawless or comprehensive. I assume that the world is bigger than that and the truth is bigger than that, and so I have no trouble engaging different traditions anymore than I have trouble eating different styles of food or interacting with different people. They are all small parts of a cosmos that is larger than we know and maybe larger than we can know.
MEGA not Meta.
“But Jason, many traditions claim to represent an ultimate truth, and outline the the cosmos. Don’t you have to perspective shift to utilize each of these from their own reality tunnels in order to fully understand them?”
Nope. I just assume they are wrong. Correct enough about many things to be useful and meaningful, but incorrect about claims of final stages, ultimate truths, or comprehensive cosmologies.
MEGA not Meta.
“But what about deity? Some traditions are Poly-theistic, some Mono-theistic, and some aren’t Theistic at all. How do you hold faith from one to the other?
I have faith that each represents truth in terms of meaning and usefulness, rather than facts. In some cases these religions can be viewed as answers to different questions rather than competing models of truth. No need to paradigm shift or reality shift. Just embrace a bigger paradigm and view of reality.
MEGA not Meta.
“I have heard that you work with both Angels and Demons. Even Christ and the Devil. How can you pray to St Michael to keep you from wickedness and snares of the Devil, then ask the devil for aid?
I assume each has their role to play. Sometimes we need collectivism and salvation. Other times we need individualism and antinomianism. Don’t we all know people that are useful in some situations, but detrimental in others? Don’t we all act differently in different situations. We don’t need to become different people or wear different masks. Just be big enough to have it all at your disposal.
MEGA not Meta
“So you are right and all these great traditions of the past are wrong? Isn’t that arrogant?”
No. I have faith that I am wrong about some things, and that what I am right about is just a little sliver of the truth. If anything, I think its arrogance not to assume that.
MEGA not Meta